“Three things will last forever—faith, hope, and love—and the greatest of these is love.” (1Cor13:13)
Lord Jesus, when it’s all said and done, what really matters? What’s gonna last all the way into the new heaven and new earth? We’ll never overdo this glorious Gospel-trifecta of faith, hope, and love; and we dare not treat them like Neapolitan ice cream, 3 flavors from which we choose our favorite—vanilla, strawberry, or chocolate. They are beautifully interdependent and find their fullest expression as hope and faith are expressed in love.
Faith—not a muscle that gets bigger enabling us to accomplish stuff, but an empty hand that receives more of you, Jesus. “The Faith” is what we believe about you, and Jesus—who you are, what you’ve accomplished, and are committed to be forever. “Faith” is also the act receiving, trusting, and loving you—not impressing or motivating you. Indeed, the most important aspect of our faith is it’s object, and that’s you, Lord Jesus.
Hope—not fingers crossed or a strong hunch, but the certainty and peace generated by knowing you are the emphatic “Yes!” to every promise God has made. To hope isn’t to be a “positive” person in a world of “negative” people. It’s to put more confidence in your empty tomb, occupied throne, and certain return than any other arrangement we could imagine in life. To hope isn’t to have a good feeling about things “working out”; it’s the assurance you are actively making all things new, Jesus, and will finish your redemptive, glorious work.
Love—not a philanthropic action we generate, but a revolutionary gift we receive from you. Love is the fullness and perfection of everything God is—given on behalf of we who deserve nothing and need everything. Indeed, love comes to its most kaleidoscopic, multifaceted, incomparable expression in the Gospel—your life given to us and for us, Jesus. And now (and forever), our calling is to love as you love us. Help us, humble, free us, gladden us. So Very Amen.