
Our Daily Need for “Gospel Astonishment”

   This woman who washed my feet with her tears, “her sins—and they are many—have been forgiven, so she has shown me much love. But a person who is forgiven little shows only little love.” Luke 7:47


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Lord Jesus, it’s as simple and profound, daily and real as this: Because you have forgiven all of our sins, we should love you with our whole heart, with unparalleled delight. Likewise, we should be the most humble, gentle, compassionate people in our families, workplaces, and neighborhoods. Lord may it be—may it increasingly be so.

By the power of the Holy Spirit, don’t let us lose the wonder of our forgiveness. Don’t let us think our sins are less numerous or egregious than anyone else’s. Don’t let us ever get used to being forgiven by you. Supersize our Gospel-astonishment.

Jesus, convict us quickly when we indulge an irritable spirit or judgmental attitude. You tell us the log in our eye will always be a bigger issue than the speck in anyone else’s eye. Forgive us for not taking you seriously. Make your love for us more real than our past failures and wounds, present pain and broken relationships.

Free us to love you when we experience unintentional oversights and intentional slights. When harsh words are spoken to us, and healing words are left unspoken over us. When we are being ignored by people we love, or become target practice for people in pain.

In our anger, keep us from sinning (Eph.4:26-27). In our shame, keep us from blaming (Gen.3:12). In our traumas, keep us from retaliating (Rom.12:19). Jesus, only your love is better than life (Ps.63:3). Only your love will never let go of us (Heb.13:5). Only your love was, is, and ever will be enough to satisfy our deepest longings (Eph.3:18-19). Hallelujah. Thank you. And… So Very Amen.
