
Paul’s Telling of the Christmas Story

Because you belong to Jesus and your lives are hidden in his, this is the way you are to relate to each other: Jesus has always been God, but he didn’t selfishly clutch his eternal deity and all his prerogatives. Instead, he embraced the call to utter servanthood—the Servant of the Lord promised by Isaiah. Though he never ceased being God, he became fully man—the last man, the second Adam. In his humility, he lived a life of perfect obedience on our behalf, fulfilling all the demands of the law. By his death on the cross, he took the judgment we deserve that he might give us the righteousness we could never earn. This is how obedient Jesus was for us. This is quintessential humility and exquisite love. This is the humility and love Jesus would now cultivate in and among us. A Theological Paraphrase of Phil. 2:5-11


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Lord Jesus, in Paul’s account of your birth, there are no harking angels, trembling shepherds, or awe-filled parents. But you are there—front and center, above all and lower than any. The Gospel is without parallel. Nothing is as necessary and glorious. Thank you for coming to us and for us.

Though you never ceased being God, you truly became man—the God-man, the fulfiller of every God-promise—the king of the cosmos cradled in a stable. Prophets searched intently, angels longed intensely (1Pet.1-10-12), and we are the primary beneficiaries.

You obeyed God’s Law perfectly on our behalf, then you took our judgment fully. Raised as our Justifier, ascended as our Mediator, reigning as our King, returning as our Bridegroom—the incalculable riches of grace are ours now and forever. Jesus, is it possible to simultaneously fall down in silent wonder, and shout and dance before you?

For the rest of our lives, free us to think of you more highly and more often than we think of ourselves, or anything. Fill our lives with your selfless humility, servant joy, great love, and living hope. So Very Amen.

