
Relief Is a Pathetic Substitute for a Changed Heart

The LORD is my shepherd, I lack nothing. He makes me lie down in green pastures, he leads me beside quiet waters, he restores and refreshes my soul.” Psalm 23:1-2


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Lord Jesus, thank you for the green pastures and quieting waters of the past few days—the literal and figurative ones. Being in Tomatin, Scotland, (in the Highlands) was as well-timed as a visit can get. It’s been a challenge for me to quiet my tired, noisy, confused heart. But, thankfully, you have a lot of experience at that. Thank you for making Psalm 23 a present reality, and not just a favorite portion of Scripture.

Vulnerability, not knowing, and waiting aren’t something to get over, but a season to be understood and stewarded. We’d love to have things you don’t promise, Jesus—like control over circumstances, timetables, and outcomes. But you do promise never to leave or forsake us. You have promised to work in all things for your glory and our good. That promise holds us more than we hold it. Thank you, Lord, thank you.

Theologically, your sovereignty, Jesus, remains our sanity; but existentially, we crave a greater experience of your peace ruling in our hearts. If we weren’t certain of your love for us, Jesus, busyness, blaming, medicating poorly, and “copping bad attitudes” could take over. That never ends well.

Thank you for letting us be honest and needy before you, Jesus. Thank you that we don’t have to pretend or spiritualize our humanity. As a good friend told me a long time ago, relief is a pathetic substitute for a changed heart, so change us—change me, Lord—not just my circumstances. Until then, thank you for daily mercies and copious grace. So Very Amen.


