
Revealing the Gospel in Storms and Stories of Devastation

  “The LORD sits enthroned over the flood; the LORD is enthroned as King forever. The LORD gives strength to his people; the LORD blesses his people with peace.” Psalm 29:10-11


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Heavenly Father, Helene has been big, you are bigger still. The wind, rain, and flooding have had devastating impact, and you sit enthroned above all three. We don’t understand the mystery of your sovereignty—why some friends wake up devastated by the destruction of flood-waters, while others wake up relieved by minimal damage. But as your children we do affirm that your providence—not happenstance, circumstance, or accidents—gets the first, middle, and last word.

You may not give us answers, but you do give us two things King David celebrates in this Psalm—strength and peace. Grant us strength (especially to first-responders) for serving one another in love—whether we live near or very far away. Strengthen hearts, backs, and arms for what lies ahead. This is a time for neighbor love, not self-preoccupation.

We pray for those most vulnerable and least resourced. It hurts to lose a vacation home—it hurts more to lose the only shelter, bed, and clothing one owns. May your peace not just give us relief, but joy in serving one another in love.

Because of Jesus, we know we are destined for an eternity of no more hurricanes, flooding, and any kind of “storm.” But until then, make the Gospel profoundly real to our communities as we serve one another with Jesus’ love in Jesus’ name. So Very Amen.

