
Saying “Humbug!” without Ever Uttering the Word

The Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us. We have seen his glory, the glory of the one and only Son, who came from the Father, full of grace and truth And from his fullness we have received grace upon grace..” John 1:14,16


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Lord Jesus, the affirmation “grace upon grace” is always precious to us and needed—especially the last 10 days of a year. Every Christmas season carries a certain amount of emotional drama, relational challenges, and opportunities for your presence and love to break in afresh.

Usually when I watch one of many versions of Dicken’s “A Christmas Carol,” I come to tears of joy when Scrooge wakes up to your kindness and grace. The same is true this year, but with a healthy addition. I’ve needed to recognize and own my abiding “inner Scrooge”—that part me that remains hair-trigger critical and lacking spontaneous compassion—that part of me which is not as free and kind as you intend, Jesus.

By your Spirit (thankfully, not by 3 ghosts in my bedroom) I see how my attitude of late has being saying “Humbug” without ever voicing the word. Thank you, Jesus, for the non-condemning convicting work of your Spirit. Because the Gospel is true none of us have to pretend, deny, or make excuses. Because the Gospel is good and beautiful we can risk honesty, humility, and repentance.

Jesus, for myself—and my praying friends who resonate with my need for a stale Humbug to morph into a fresh Hallelujah—we look to you for copious grace, multiplied mercies, and redemptive surprises this year. By your Spirit, sabotage our pity-parties and whine-fests. Humble, gentle, and gladden us to love others as you love us, Jesus. Thank you, and So Very Amen.

