
Seeing Jesus and Seeing by Jesus

  Jesus asked, “Do you see anything?”  He looked up and said, “I see people; they look like trees walking around.” Once more Jesus put his hands on the man’s eyes. Then his eyes were opened, his sight was restored, and he saw everything clearly. Mark 8:23-25


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Dear Jesus, I clearly see myself in this story, but like this dear man, I need your ophthalmological help and healing. For I often see people through the astigmatism of my pain, prejudices, and pride. I also perceive life in this crazy, broken world with the shortsightedness of unbelief, fear, and selfishness. Heart-cataracts distort my perception of the work you are faithfully doing everywhere, all the time. Heal me, Lord.

By your grace, Spirit, and the eye of faith, there’s so much I want to see more clearly. First and foremost, I want to see you, Jesus—more of your truth, goodness, and beauty. For the better I see you, I’ll look at everything and everyone else through the corrective lens of the Gospel.

Like Abraham (Heb.11:10), I want a 20/20 vision of our ultimate home—the City of God and our coming life in the new heaven and new earth. Show me more of the “better-by-far-ness” of heaven so I will serve you more joyfully, patiently, and sacrificially till the Day you return.

Jesus, help me love tears more—mine and the tears of others. For some things can only be seen with empathy and compassion through the unique lens of our heart-water. You honor our tears enough to bottle them, so we shouldn’t be in a hurry to either dismiss or despise them.

Until the Day we see you as you actually are, Jesus, and will be made fully, wondrously, gloriously like you (1Jn.3:1-3), help us to see all things from your heart and timetable, and with your mercy and grace. So Very Amen.
