
  “When the set time had fully come, God sent his Son, born of a woman, born under the law, to redeem those under the law, that we might receive adoption to sonship” (Gal. 4:5-6)


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Lord Jesus, even if our calendars are way off, you came at “the set time”—the perfect year, month, and day. Before you created the world, the day you would redeem it was “set in grace.” Not as a metaphor, myth, or model—you came as God incarnate, Majesty in a manger, Sovereignty wrapped in swaddling clothes.

Thousands of kings were first a baby; but you were first a King then a baby. It certainly was a “holy night,” it wasn’t a “silent night.” As in our day and hearts, not everything was “calm” and “bright.” You came into a broken world for broken people. On the “eve” of your birth, we remember the riches of your grace.


Lord Jesus…

As the Last Adam, you obeyed and fulfilled the law for us.

As the Lamb of God, you bore our sin, and took our judgment.

As the Grave Robber, you conquered death and arose to give us life.

As the Lord of Lords, you are sovereign over kings, people, and places.

As our Great High Priest, you advocate, care, and pray for us constantly.

As our Loving Bridegroom, you are coming back for us with great delight.

As the Grace Giver, you take on “the hopes and fears of all the years” (ours too).


Hallelujah, and thank you. Jesus, as you lavish your love on us, we cast our cares on you. We worship you, Jesus. We need you. We crave your return. So Very Amen.
