
The “All” in “the God of All Grace” Isn’t An Exaggeration

“May the God of endurance and encouragement grant you harmony…” (Rom. 15:5)

“May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing…” (Rom. 15:13)

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“May the God of peace be with you all. Amen.” (Rom. 15:33)


Gracious Father, thank you for revealing yourself—for wanting us to know what you are truly like, and how you intend us to increasingly experience you. From Genesis though Revelation you reveal yourself to be the God of all grace, and in Romans 15 you “unpack” that title for us a little bit, telling us you are…

 “The God of endurance and encouragement”—and we need an ample supply of each, Abba. You know us by name, geography, and circumstance so you don’t have to guess what our struggles and needs are. Grant us grace perfectly shaped for our individual stories.

 The God of hope.” In our world of fragility, hostility, and uncertainty, give us 20/15 vision of these 4 things: (1) Jesus’ empty tomb and occupied throne. (2) Jesus’ dazzling, living-giving beauty. (3) The place in the Lamb’s book of life where our names are individually written with indelible grace-ink. (4) A scintillating  faith-peek at wonders of our coming life in new heaven and new earth.

The God of peace.” Abba, may your peace rule in our hearts—not just be the “window dressing,” background music, or occasional sentiment. Indeed, may your peace shrink our fears, topple our heart-idols, intensify our joy, and free us to live and love to your glory all the way Home. So Very Amen.


