
The Only “If Only” That Matters

If only you had known today what (Who) would bring you peace.”  Luke 19:38-42


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Lord Jesus, our ache for peace is undeniable and unrelenting. Even though we have the assurance of eternal life—we remain discontent, restless, and vulnerable to temptation. Good longings and better judgment get sabotaged by our regrets, impatience, and demand for “right now” gratification.

The world of “if only” perpetually haunts and taunts us. If only we were 25 years younger, had different parents, genes, and story. If only we could win the lottery, had never been abused, were married (or single) again. If only our kids obeyed us and our spouse adored us. If only we were smarter, cuter, or thinner.

Our “if-only-list” grows longer and louder, until we hear you utter the only “If only that matters. “If only you had known today what (Who) would bring you peace.” Indeed, Jesus, only you (yesterday, today, and forever) are the Prince of Peace, King of calm, and Lord of contentment. Only you can give us the contingent-free peace we crave—the “everything’s-gonna-be-okay” assurance for which we long.

Whether we live in a penthouse or outhouse, have good health or terminal brokenness—whether we are loved, ignored, or forgotten by people in our lives, grant us this conviction and song, Lord Jesus: “Whom do I have in heaven but you, Jesus? And being with you I desire nothing on earth” (Psalm 73:25-26). Until the Day of 100% shalom, continue to fill and free our hearts. All we really need is you, plus what you choose to give us, Jesus. So Very Amen.

