
The Over-Joy of Our Father to Give Us His Kingdom

 “The kingdom of the world has become the kingdom of our Lord and of his Christ, and he will reign for ever and ever.” (Rev.11:15). “Do not be afraid little flock, for it has overjoyed the Father to give you his kingdom” (Lk.12:32)


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Lord Jesus, before long Christmas music will begin filling our malls, hearts, and homes. Personally, it’s never too early for me—especially in a presidential election year. I especially love to crank up this portion of Handel’s Messiah: “And He (Jesus) shall reign forever and ever, King of kings! and Lord of lords!

The good news, best news, heart-centering news is your reign has already begun. We long for the fullness of your reign and Kingdom, but not its inception. For Jesus, you are already King of kings and Lord of lords—the ruler of the kings of the earth and everything else.

No premier or president, emperor or autocrat, dictator or potentate is a threat to your kingdom—and none is necessary to your purposes. Demons tremble at your name, Jesus, and stars sing your praise. Fierce hurricanes become gentle zephyrs, and placid lakes become roaring oceans … all in keeping with your purposes, timing and glory.

You, personally, set up kings and you sit them down—not on a whim, but in keeping with your will. That’s your domain, discretion, and delight. On this October Thursday, you are actively making all things new, working in all things for our good, redeeming your Bride from among the nations of the world, and are primed to usher in the new heaven and new earth. Hallelujah, and thank you, Jesus.

In 12 days the USA will elect a new president. We will exercise the privilege of our dual citizenship—being citizens of heaven and citizens of the United States. But our 1st citizenship takes precedent over the 2nd by a margin of a gazillion to one. We say that, and we want to mean it more than we ever have before, Jesus. Faith, not fear—hope, not hysteria is the order of the day. We will cast our vote, but more so we’ll cast ourselves on the floor in loving adoration, joyful trust, and deep craving for your return, Jesus. So Very Amen.

