
The Peace of Adoration: Enthralled and Enflamed with Jesus

  “Anna never left the temple but worshiped night and day, fasting and praying. Coming up to them (Mary and Joseph) at that very moment, she gave thanks to God and spoke about the child [Jesus] to all who were looking forward to the redemption of Jerusalem.” Luke 2:36–38


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Lord Jesus, whether Anna was 84 or 104, she’d been a widow for decades, yet looking and longing for you even longer. As a prophetess, she knew you by promise, faith, and hope, but not by name. But as with Simeon, Anna recognized you the moment she laid her eyes on you, and her heart was filled with gladness. In you she found the true meaning of her name—grace and favor.

She prayed for the Day you would arrive to fill the earth with God’s glory, and empty it of all evil and injustice. We earnestly long for that Day too. But even more than she yearned for the Day, she longed for you, Jesus. You’re not the means to any end; you are the meaning of everything. You are the “joy of every longing heart,” “the dear desire of every nation,” “the hope of all the earth” (Come, Thou Long Expected Jesus).

All of Anna’s worship, fasting, and prayer were pregnant with you, Jesus. It wasn’t a something she wanted, but a Someone she adored.  Married to her earthly husband a mere 7 years, Anna is now married to you forever. Dear Jesus, us too—hallelujah, we enjoy the very same grace and favor poured out on Anna.

Whether we are married or single, widows or widowers, just engaged, just divorced, or just waiting… for the rest of our lives, we want to worship, love, and serve you with everything we have and are. Jesus, enthrall and enflame our hearts afresh with your beauty, goodness, and truth. So Very Amen.






