
  “Though you have not seen him (Jesus), you love him; and even though you do not see him now, you believe in him and are filled with an inexpressible and glorious joy” (1 Pet. 1:8).


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Lord Jesus, though we have only seen you with the eyes of our hearts, we truly “see” you, and are compelled to love you. Knowing you has given us inner joy unlike any happiness, merriment, and gladness we’ve ever experienced. For we are saved. We are redeemed. We are beloved. We are yours, now and forever.

The astonishing thing is—even if we’ve known you for decades, we are just babes in the world of your everything. There’s so much more of you Jesus—immeasurably more to discover, marvel at, and savor, and enjoy.

So far, we’ve merely read the preface to one book of your greatness and glory. We’ve only seen a couple of chalets on the Swiss Alps of your majesty and beauty. We’re barely toe deep in the bottomless ocean of your grace—and you bid us swim. You invite us to feast at the banquet of your love, and we’re only two bites into the appetizer.

There is so much more to you Jesus. We’ll stay in discovery mode throughout our life in the new heaven and new earth. Hallelujah, and thank you Jesus! In the coming days and months, reveal as much of yourself as we can possibly absorb without exploding with wonder and worship-overload. As your beloved, pre-glorified Bride, we love you, Jesus, but want to love you more and more and more. So Very Amen.

