
This Is How and How Much God Loves Us

  “I have loved you, my people, with an everlasting love. With unfailing love I have drawn you to myself.” Jer. 31:3


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Dear Father, how everlasting and unfailing is your love for us? It has no beginning or end, cannot be measured or even imagined. You loved us before the world began—before we showed any promise or broke our first promise. You never looked at what we might do for you, but only to what you would do for us. You sent Jesus to accomplish our entire salvation. Jesus didn’t come to be our co-pilot or model for self-salvation; Jesus came to be our righteousness, holiness, and redemption—our life and everything. Thank you, Father.

Before Jesus died for us, he lived for us. He fulfilled the law for us, and you now count us righteous in him (Col.3:1-3). We don’t have to fear death, for we’ve already passed from death to life (John 5:24). Neither do we need to fear life, for you made sure there is no condemnation left for our sin (Rom.8:1).

Your love is as unwavering as it is everlasting. We can’t add to it or take away from it. You will cease to be God before your affection wanes or fails—is exhausted or withdrawn. Even when you disciplines us—bringing the pain of correction, you do so with a heart of compassion. You will humble us but never humiliate us. You will “shape” us into Christlikeness, but never shame us into self-hatred. Thank you, Father… you drew us to yourself, bound us with cords of kindness, hid our lives in Jesus, adopted us as your kids, sealed us with your Spirit, and will complete your work in us (Phil.1:6). We worship and adore you… So Very Amen.
