
Times of Refreshing Coming to Us and through Us

Repent, then, and turn to God, so that your sins may be wiped out, that times of refreshing may come from the Lord and that he may send the Christ, who has been appointed for you—even Jesus.” Acts 3:19-20


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Heavenly Father, what a revolutionary notion: Through our repentance, you bring “times of refreshing” to us—not a season of shame and days of groveling. For repentance isn’t about us making promises to you, but you making this grand declaration to us, “Jesus is enough!” Hallelujah, and thank you.

We await that glorious Day when you will send Jesus to us one final time. That Day will put an end to all repenting, for we will see Jesus as he is, and we will be made like him (1Jn.3:1-3). But even now you send Jesus to us—anointed and appointed for our complete salvation. Every time we hear the Gospel, feast on the Lord’s Supper, worship in Spirit and truth, see Jesus in the pages of the Bible—you are “sending” Jesus to us through the ministry of the Holy Spirit. Thank you, Abba.

The Spirit replays and turns up the volume on Jesus’ bold and loving declaration, “It is finished!” In this sense, to repent is collapse on Christ—to humbly affirm Jesus as our righteousness, holiness, and redemption (1Cor.1:30). And then we respond appropriately to whatever your Spirit is convicting us about—owning our failures to love you as you deserve, Father—and love others as Jesus loves us. Every sin, ultimately, is a love-failure.

The fruit of repentance is delectable, nourishing, and life-giving. We make amends—as opposed to doing penance. We offer repair—as opposed to withdrawing into shame. We take responsibility for what we have done—as opposed to sliding back into excusing, blaming, and minimizing. Indeed, many enjoy “times of refreshing” by our repentance. But mostly, and most importantly—the Gospel is demonstrated and Jesus is exalted. So Very Amen.


