“What shall we say about such wonderful things as these? If God is for us, who can ever be against us?” Romans 8:31
Heavenly Father, when we consider your great love for us in Jesus—and abide in it as our favorite resting place on earth, our fearful vexing, anxious wrangling, and self-preoccupied ways seem downright silly. Indeed, when we do the mercy-math, the riches of grace and the gift of intimacy with you far outweigh all the threats, harm, and exasperations of life. Help us with our math, Abba.
You gave Jesus up for us on the cross, so of course we can trust you for everything else we actually need. You created us, chose us, bought us, reconciled us, and delight in us. Who cares what anybody else thinks, says, or feels about us?
Forgive us for giving any other voice more power over our hearts than yours. Whether it’s the accusations of the devil or the meanness of men, the contempt of our shame or the flattery of the world—none of those deserve power over our hearts. Our hearts are your domain and delight, Abba, and you are gloriously greedy with them.
Through the hardest parts of life and the most joyful ones—in the crazy-making seasons and the oasis-like breathers—in the stories that test us and the relationships that break us… Abba, you love us as we are, will never abandon us, and will complete your work in us. Father, we praise, bless, and adore you. So Very Amen.