My Paraphrase of Ephesians 4:25-32: “Don’t let any “gangrene-ish,” infection-carrying talk pass between your lips. Only speak words that will benefit, bless, and build others up—words that reflect a heart of grace. And don’t grieve God the Holy Spirit—don’t replace his life-giving fruit with your rotting garbage. He sealed you for the Day Jesus returns, so don’t act like a stranger to his generous work of making you like Jesus.
Treat bitterness, rage, anger, brawling, slander, and malice like 6 poisonous snakes, bent on putting their venom in your bloodstream so you’ll put misery in the lives of others. Instead be kind and compassionate to one another—treating others the way Abba treats you every single day and hour in Jesus… with mercy, gentleness, forgiveness, and encouragement.”
Father, we cry “Uncle!” that we might cry “Abba!” Your Word shocks our sensibilities. Your Spirit convicts us to the core. The Gospel dismantles every excuse we would offer for how unlike Jesus we can think, speak, and act. Have mercy, Lord, have mercy on us.
Indeed, Abba, thank you for new mercies today—like right now in this very moment. Thank you for all the grace we need to dismount our self-righteous “hobby-mules” (instead of hobby horses). Our lifeless donkey-heads-on-a-stick that can only take us where our stubbornness, self-pity, and selfishness lead us. Yep, we acknowledge it can get that sad and bad, Abba.
That you for your kindness that leads us to repentance today—your compelling love, renewing grace, and Fatherly care. We humble ourselves before you. We don’t ask for a second chance or a re-do. You’ve already given us all we need—Jesus himself—who is our “righteousness, holiness, and redemption” (1Cor.1;30). Hallelujah and thank you. So Very Amen.