“We make our plans, but the LORD determines our steps” Prov. (16:9). “What he (Jesus) opens no one can shut, and what he shuts no one can open” (Rev. 3:7).
Lord Jesus, life is filled with choices. Some decisions are as simple as standing in the cereal aisle of Publix and going with the buy-one-get-one-free option. The choice to eat moist carrot-cake is a no-brainer too. Some decisions just require sanctified common sense: “Should I change the oil in my car once in a while?”
But other decisions rob us (and others) of sleep, give us heart knots, and fuel our second guessing. Our Scriptures of the day remind us our choices aren’t sovereign and ultimate, only you are. Make this truth clear, sweet, and freeing to us, Jesus. As our good Shepherd, you aren’t pulling for us from afar, but are guiding us up close. We rest in your step-determining, door-operating sovereignty.
Jesus, we know you always lead us in keeping with your Word. We know you call us to seek the counsel of those who love you and love us. We know you lead us by the peace-giving voice of your Spirit. We know you lead us by the providence of circumstances over which you are Lord. If these (Word, counsel, Spirit, providence) are 4 harbor lights, line up the harbor lights as we navigate changes and big decisions in front of us.
We know we can’t make people happy or holy, so help us with the feedback we get—that which we seek and unsolicited opinions freely offered. And Jesus, help us—the feedback-givers, to be self-aware, kind, and patient.
In our time-framed decisions, what will honor you the most, Jesus? What choice is most in keeping with the truth and rhythms of the Gospel? Are we running from something for which you haven’t given us running shoes yet? Are we seeking, seeing proverbial “greener pastures” that, like all pastures, turn brown in time? May your peace rule in our hearts, as we discern and decide.
Hallelujah, our lives aren’t tied to making the one, right, perfect decision… but in trusting the only, right, loving Lord—and that is you, Jesus. So Very Amen.