
When We Wake Up to More Mystery Than Clarity

God began a good work in you he will complete” (Phil.1:6). “God works in you to will and to act in order to fulfill his good purpose” (Phil 2:13). Nothing will separate us from the love of God, and the God of love—nothing and no one (Rom.8:38-39).


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Heavenly Father, it’s comforting beyond all comforts to know you to be the God who is always working on our behalf according to your promises and pleasure. Your “good purpose” for us was written in eternity with the pen of your sovereignty and the ink of indelible grace. You are at work before us, in us, around us, through us, and after us. That doesn’t always make life easy, but it gives us sanity and hope like nothing else.

Season by season, chapter by chapter, story by story—Abba, you do all things well, even when you don’t do all things the way we wish you would. Through joys and sorrows, rescue and redemption, unspeakable joy and very speakable aches—when your love is palpably real to us, and when your ways remain hidden from us, you alone are worship-worthy and utterly trustworthy. Thank you, Abba.

On this February Saturday morning, I pray for friends who are waking up to more mystery than clarity—dear sisters and brothers who feel more dread than delight, more fragility than security, more unrest than peace, more numb than alive. By your Spirit and your Word, through heaven ordered providence and time-built friendship, by supernatural means and ordinary grace—Abba, bring your presence and kindness to bear. Put on our hearts those we can touch, and grant us grace to welcome the touch of those you will send us. We all need you, Abba. So Very Amen.

