
Where Can We Go to Be Refreshed and Replenished?

I (Jesus) will refresh the weary and replenish the weak” (Jer.31:25)


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Lord Jesus, this one little verse is the Pacific Ocean of grace, the Niagara Falls of mercy, the Swiss Alps of wonder, the Maldives Beaches of peace. Come, nourish and flourish our hearts with the wonders of your love and the riches of your grace. No one is more dialed in to our weariness and weakness than you, and no one is better at refreshing and replenishing.

What’s the story(ies) behind our various experiences of weariness and weakness?  Where do we start? Most people we encounter are struggling with things they hide well, spinning more plates than Abba decreed, and bearing more heartache than we realize. What about ourselves? Spirit, show us.

Underneath a calm surface might be a riptide of shame, fear, trauma, and self-contempt. Behind much hair-trigger anger is dammed-up sadness, unvoiced hurt, unwept tears. Some friends we haven’t seen in a while aren’t on vacation, but in self-chosen isolation. It’s just easier and feels safer to them.

Jesus, we are grateful the Gospel puts an end to the need to pose and pretend, minimizie our needs and anesthetize our pain. Free us to get the help we need, the counsel we lack, and the replenishment you promise. And give us compassion for fellow strugglers. Turn our hasty reactions into slow listening and non-judgmental presence.

Settle and center our hearts today with the good news—the fresh news of the Gospel. Jesus, your love for us isn’t just better than life (Psalm 63:3), it’s the only love that can heal, satisfy, refresh, and replenish us. Thank you, Lord. So Very Amen
