Paul to believers in Corinth: “I am jealous for you with the jealousy of God himself. I promised you as a pure bride to one husband—Christ. But I fear you are being led away from your whole-hearted, undivided devotion to Christ, just as the devil successfully deceived and seduced Eve.” (Paraphrase of 2Cor.11:1-3)
Lord Jesus, that you are jealous for our love is humbling and astonishing, and it is gloriously true. For you have made us your bride by the price of your life, and delight in us with a passion beyond the limits of our imagination (Isa.62:45). No surprise Satan perpetually seeks diminish, divert—even destroy our love for you. When our hearts drift and our love cools, every other aspect of our lives loses.
We start thinking of ourselves too often—too highly or too lowly, but definitely too much of the time. We judge quickly, listening poorly, and forgive reluctantly. We spend less time in fellowship with you, and more money and anger on ourselves. Compliments taste like fudge and helpful feedback feels like an insult. We medicate our pain in unhealthy ways and busy ourselves with things that really don’t matter. Non-eternal concerns preoccupy our hearts and ordinary irritants get supersized. And that’s just for starters. Have mercy on us, Lord.
Keep rescuing us from our self-staring monologues and the seductions of Satan. By the Word, Gospel, dear friends, and your Spirit, may 2025 become a year in which we’re not just quoting a verse when we declare, “To me, to live is Christ, and to die is gain.” So Very Amen.