Book Deal: My newest book, This Is Our Time, is available both on Kindle and in paperback for only $7.99 today.
- This week, Chris Martin invited me onto his blog podcast to talk about fears, bullying, writing, and other questions that no one else ever asks me about!
- Brandon Smith and I released a new episode of Word Matters, answering the question “Does God Promote Genocide?” from Deuteronomy 7. You can subscribe to the podcast here: iTunes | Android | RSS
Seven of the best articles I came across this week:
1. Videos from TGC this week: Day 1, Day 2, Day 3.
2. Megan Hill – Praying Together. Is this a distinguishing mark of our churches today? Do our worship services devote time and attention to substantial prayer?
3. Tad Friend – Silicon Valley’s Quest to Live Forever. Can billions of dollars’ worth of high-tech research succeed in making death optional?Answer: No.
4. Sophia Lee – Homeless on the Streets of L.A. Great reporting, as usual, from Sophia. This is a hope-filled account.
5. David Brooks – The Strange Persistence of Guilt. Brooks is always worth reading. Especially this article.
6. Eyder Peralta – As Thousands Flee South Sudan, Ugandan Refugee Camp Becomes World’s Largest. Pray for South Sudan when you pray for Syria.
7. Jonathan Haidt – The Cultural Roots of Campus Rage. An unorthodox professor explains the ‘new religion’ that drives the intolerance and violence at places like Middlebury and Berkeley.