
The two disciples heard him say this and they followed Jesus. Jesus turned and saw them following and said to them, “What are you seeking?”
John 1:37-38

How would you answer Jesus’ question? “What are you seeking?” It’s a question so profound that it shakes us to the core. Some are seeking money, more wealth and assets. Others are seeking success and a good reputation. Some look to anything that will provide them security and comfort. Others seek for happiness, often in all the wrong places.

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The disciples don’t answer Jesus’ question quite right. They don’t answer Jesus’ question by saying “what” they are seeking. They answer it by saying who they are seeking. In other words, they’re not seeking something, they’re seeking someone. They’re looking for the Messiah.

If you are seeking for the happiness that comes from success, you’re going to miss it. If you’re seeking for the happiness that comes from money, that fleeting feeling will always elude you. If you’re seeking for security, you’ll always feel afraid. If you’re seeking Jesus, then true joy will be yours.

True happiness does not come from seeking things; it comes from seeking Jesus. This means that you seek Jesus for who he is, not for what he can give you.

True disciples are those who follow Jesus because we love him for who he is.

The amazing thing we discover in this passage, though, is that the disciples aren’t the only ones who are seeking. Jesus himself is the Seeker. He’s looking for disciples. The Messiah was looking for them, even as they were looking for the messiah! It’s awesome to discover that as you go looking for Jesus, you realize that he is looking for you.

Prayer: Thank you, Lord, for seeking me and finding me and bringing me to you. Help me to love you for who you are, not for what you can give me. Amen.

written by Trevin Wax  © 2009 Kingdom People blog
