3 John in Greek

Study 3 John Using a Verse-by-verse Approach to the Greek Text

Curated from the Video Series by Rob Plummer
In Partnership with Daily Dose of Greek

Studying 3 John in Greek

About Dr. Rob Plummer

Dr. Robert L. Plummer reads, studies, talks, and writes about the Bible. Plummer notes, “Jesus told his adversaries, ‘You diligently study the Scriptures because you think that by them you have eternal life. These are the Scriptures that testify about me’” (John 5:39). Plummer adds, “The joy of studying the Scriptures is that through them we hear the voice of the living God and gaze with wonder on Messiah Jesus and the sufficiency of his atoning death.” When he is not busy teaching Greek and New Testament classes at The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, Louisville, KY, Plummer is serving as an elder at Sojourn Community Church. Plummer’s primary ministry role, however, is pastor of the little flock in his home. He and his wife, Chandi, have three delightful daughters – Sarah Beth, Chloe, and Anabelle. Plummer’s hobbies include long-distance running, enjoying international foods and cultures, and traveling.

  • B.A., Duke University
  • M.Div., Ph.D., The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary
  • Additional Studies: Jerusalem University College
Helpful Resources
  • Going Deeper with New Testament Greek: An Intermediate Study of the Grammar and Syntax of the New TestamentAndreas J. Köstenberger, Benjamin L Merkle, & Robert L. Plummer

    This Greek textbook may be helpful for students who need to refresh their language skills before digging into the book of 3 John.

    This Greek textbook may be helpful for students who need to refresh their language skills before digging into the book of 3 John.

  • I, II, III John: A Handbook on the Greek TextMartin M. Culy

    This handbook on the Greek text of 3 John carefully breaks down the usage of most words in each verse, guiding the student in selecting proper uses and understanding the grammatical structure of the text.

    This handbook on the Greek text of 3 John carefully breaks down the usage of most words in each verse, guiding the student in selecting proper uses and understanding the grammatical structure of the text.

  • Greek New TestamentThe German Bible Society

    If a student does not own a copy of the Greek New Testament, the UBS 5th edition serves as the standard classroom text.

    If a student does not own a copy of the Greek New Testament, the UBS 5th edition serves as the standard classroom text.

1–4 (Greeting)

5–12 (Support and Opposition)

13–15 (Final Greetings)