Study James

A Short Two-lecture Survey of the Background and Contents of the Book of James

In partnership with Third Millennium Ministries

Course Introduction

About the Course

The Epistle of James is an intensely practical book for readers in every age. James’ original audience had professed faith in Christ, but many were not living lives that reflected their beliefs. To address this disparity, James dealt with real-world issues that still speak to us today. This series looks at the background, structure and content of the book of James and explores the wisdom and practical instruction in James that remain relevant for modern readers.

Course Goals:

  • Introduce the background, structure and content of the book of James.
  • Orient viewers to the theme of wisdom in the book of James and its relationship to practical living.
About Third Millennium Ministries

The mission of Third Millennium Ministries is to prepare Christian leaders to lead a transformation of the world into God’s Kingdom by providing biblical education, for the world, for free.

Their top priority is to spread the will of God to every corner of the earth through the gospel of Christ. So, Third Millennium Ministries is preparing an in-depth biblical education for Christian leaders around the world in their languages, for their lands, and absolutely free.

This mission is being fulfilled at this very moment using various mediums for distributing learning content: DVD, online streaming, radio, satellite, TV broadcast, smartphone apps, USB flash drives, and SD cards.

To learn more about Third Millennium Ministries, click here.

Lesson 1: Introduction to James

This lesson introduces the epistle of James as the New Testament book of wisdom, and examines the author, audience, occasion of writing, and the letter’s structure and content.

Q & A

Video Bible: James 1–5
  • James 1

  • James 2

  • James 3

  • James 4

  • James 5

Lesson 2: Two Paths of Wisdom

This lesson explores both reflective and practical wisdom found in the book of James and discusses what this meant for the original audience and what it means for Christians today.

Q & A