Acts 29: Churches Planting Churches

Church planters in Australia and New Zealand have prayed and labored for a strong foundation in their church plants so they would one day mature into church-planting churches. By God’s grace, they’re seeing new churches launched as qualified planters are raised up and sent out.

One area where church-planting momentum is building is Japan. Church planters from these three regions are partnering together to make disciples in one of the most unreached parts of the world.

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Adam Ramsey joins me on the podcast today to give a church-planting update for his side of the world. Adam is the Acts 29 network director for Australia and New Zealand, and the lead pastor of Liberti Church, a gospel-centered family of churches on the Gold Coast. He loves being married to Kristina, wrestling his five kids, and equipping church planters.

Listen to this episode of Churches Planting Churches.


