Acts 29: Churches Planting Churches

There’s no one-size-fits-all approach to church planting. The context in which we plant churches influences the missional strategies we employ to maximize our disciple-making efforts. We wisely consider an area’s demographic and cultural narrative when determining how to love our neighbors.

Urban church planting has unique challenges and opportunities. The church planter may face challenges of crime, poverty, high cost of living, traffic, transiency, difficulty of finding a meeting place, and more. We plant churches in cities because God loves people. And there are a lot of people in cities who need the good news.

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Typically, we have seasoned church planters tell us their stories on the podcast. Today, I’m excited to have a newer planter talk about his church-planting journey in an urban context. Adam Muhtaseb is a Maryland native who, after completing an MDiv, returned to plant Redemption City Church in Baltimore. He’s married to Sherrie, and they’re raising two sons together.

Listen to this episode of Churches Planting Churches.


