
According to Anthony Petterson, lecturer in Old Testament and Hebrew at Morling College in New South Wales, Australia, the only book the New Testament quotes more than Psalms in the context of Jesus’s death is Zechariah. Yet I’m not sure I have ever heard a sermon series on the book, and I’ve never taught through it myself. Petterson admits that Zechariah—with its combination of visions, oracles, ancient imagery, and narrative—isn’t easy. But that, he says, is what makes it thrilling when we invest time and study and then experience that “aha!” moment of discovery.

Those endeavoring to teach through Zechariah will be helped by Petterson’s contribution to the ESV Expository Commentary: Daniel–Malachi volume, where he provides input on how to organize teaching through the book, as well as how to grasp and communicate its central themes—which include the sovereignty of God, the return of the Lord, and the hope for a future Davidic kingdom.

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