
Over the past few years, we’ve been hearing rumblings of revival on college campuses. To chase down the story, Sarah Eekhoff Zylstra headed to Iowa State University in Ames to see what’s going on with the largest campus ministry you’ve never heard of—The Salt Company.

Salt Company does a lot of things you’d expect—large worship gatherings, small-group Bible studies, and summer mission trips. But they also do some things you wouldn’t anticipate, such as talking about sin, taking kids through Wayne Grudem’s abridged systematic theology, and requiring student leaders to be members of a local church.

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In today’s sensitive, selfie-obsessed culture, you might wonder if discussions of sin or robust theology would be a good on-ramp to Christianity. But over the last 40 years, Salt has grown to 12,000 students on 33 campuses (and churches!) in 16 states.

What’s drawing the most anxious generation to the gospel?


