
In our families and homes we’re most secure and also most vulnerable. We’re most loved and also despised. We experience our greatest joys and sorrows. In that sense family has something in common with the cross, a place of wondrous love and righteous wrath.

In his new book, The Storm-Tossed Family: How the Cross Reshapes the Home, Russell Moore writes, “These families of ours can be filled with joy, but will always make us vulnerable to pain.” Moore, TGC Council member and president of the Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission, wants us to know that family is important, but not ultimate. In a summary toward the end of the book he writes:

Family is not the gospel. If you think that family is the source of ultimate meaning in your life, then you will expect your family to make you happy, to live up to your expectations. You will then come to perceive that a dysfunctional family background or a spouse who leaves you or a child who walks away to a far country of rebellion has ruined your life. And, when you fail your family, as you inevitably will, you will spend your life trying to atone for your sins, and you will never find the peace you seek.

Moore joins me on The Gospel Coalition Podcast to discuss how we find that peace only in the cross of Christ. We’ll also talk about wedding vows, church family, fatherly approval, and why young men should look for 75-year-old wives.


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