In his keynote address at TGC’s 2023 National Conference, John Piper delves into the profound significance of God’s name, “I am who I am,” as revealed in Exodus 3:13–15. Piper explains that this name signifies God’s eternal existence, independence, and absolute reality. He emphasizes the central role of Jesus Christ as the embodiment of the “I am” in human form and encourages listeners to prioritize knowing and worshiping Christ fully.
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John Piper: 400 years before the events of the book of Exodus, God said to Abram, know for certain, this is Genesis 15 know for certain that your offspring will be sojourners in a land that is not theirs, and will be servants their slaves actually. They will be afflicted for 400 years. But I will bring judgment on that nation that they serve. And afterward they shall come out with great possessions to your offspring, I give this land from the river of Egypt, to the great river, the river Euphrates to which this cricket responds to that lion, your god you’re gonna give him the land, give them the land, now, not after 400 years of affliction
to which the lion God who has 10,000 reasons for doing everything he does, of which this cricket knows, point 000 1% this they will come back here in the fourth generation, because cricket the iniquity of the Emirates is not yet complete. So, yes, I will bring my people back from Egypt. I will drive out the nations I will give my people this land. And I will do it in a way that shows it’s not because of their righteousness, as if they deserve anything good from me which they don’t. And I will do it in a way that shows that my judgments are just so you see my dear little Piper cricket who don’t know anything. I’m zealous for the justice of my punishments. I’m zealous for the freedom of My Mercy. And when I destroy it’s because wickedness is full. And when I bless it is because those stubbornness abounds. My Mercy is free. So don’t begrudge me cricket. don’t begrudge me a few 100 years to teach these things they are not easily learned. So for the next five centuries, God shows that he’s God. That the nations are wicked, that his people are rebellious and stubborn, and that his covenant blessings are totally free and undeserved.
Now, as the book of Exodus begins, at the end of those 400 years, God is about to do something astonishing. Here’s what he says. In Exodus one seven, the people of Israel multiplied and grew exceedingly strong, so that the land was filled with them. The more they were oppressed, the more they multiplied. And the Egyptians were in dread of the people of Israel. Then, in the midst of a government, sponsored infanticide of all the Hebrew baby boys. God in a jaw dropping way so often happens in the Old Testament, saved one of these boys is floating in the river. And Pharaoh’s daughter, the daughter of the man who commissioned all the boys to be killed, instead of killing the still floating, Moses pities him. And then she goes and looks for a nurse and chooses one who just happens to be his mother. Oh, God is good. And then she brings him up under the noses, Pharaoh, whose court Moses will bring down. This is just a great story. This is a great story. Of course, between that moment, and the catastrophic destruction of Egypt, 80 years happens. Which, together with the 400 years, teaches us, God is not in a hurry. He has his reasons for his deeds. And he has his reasons for his pace in your life tonight. And you’re very perplexed about the pace of your life and the deeds of God in your life. And I just want you to be encouraged. God’s not in a hurry, and he knows exactly what he’s doing both the deeds and the pace. So 80 years later, there’s a burning bush. And it’s not consumed. And there’s a snake. A rod? Yeah, it’s a rod first. And then it’s a snake. And then it’s back into a rod. And there’s a hand it’s leprous. Not lepers anymore. And then there’s a cup of water. If you need it, to dip into the Nile and pour it out in front of Pharaoh, it’ll turn to blood. So now go and deliver my people in that sovereign power. And eventually, the reluctant Prophet goes. And by his hand, he brings out the people after 10, wonderful, horrible plagues. All of it according to God’s in viable plan. And we know it’s according to God’s plan that all 10 plagues happen, because before any of them happened, God said this to Moses, in chapter three, verse 19, and in chapter seven, verse three, I know Moses, I know that the king of Egypt will not let you go, unless compelled by a mighty hand. I will harden Pharaoh’s heart. He says that, before anything has happened. He hasn’t even gone to Pharaoh yet. That’s why I’m talking plan here. I will harden Pharaoh’s heart. And though I multiply my signs and wonders in Egypt, Pharaoh will not listen to you. Just plan. Then I will bring my people, the children of Israel, out of the land of Egypt, with great act of judgment. In the midst of those great acts of judgment, God states His purpose, His ultimate purpose, I would say in everything, but let’s just say Exodus, his ultimate purpose, chapter nine, verse 16. God says to Pharaoh, for this purpose, I raised you up to show Are you my power so that my name may be proclaimed in all the earth? That’s Exodus 960. That’s the purpose of God in the Exodus and in the world today, show his power, make his name known to the nation’s. That’s God’s purpose. Which brings me now to my text. This has been introduction so far
me say it again, verse 14 of chapter 14, I will get glory over Pharaoh. God says, and the Egyptians shall know that I am JACC way, the Lord your way, they’ll know that I am Yaqui that’s what I’m doing here I am showing them that I am Yahweh. Okay, if you have a Bible, and you can see it in the dark, turn to Exodus chapter three. Your phone lights up. So go there, to your Bible app, Exodus chapter three. And we’re going to read verses 13 to 15. Up until now, the point of this message has been from the first prediction of the bondage of his people in Genesis 1513, to the actual deliverance in Exodus 14. God from first to last has been showing his sovereign justice in his punishments in his sovereign freedom in his covenant blessings, His mercies, his judgments or just his mercies are free. And now he says in 916, for this purpose, I have raised you up to show you my power Pharaoh, and that my name de be proclaimed in all the earth, or to use the words of Chipley 14, again, I will be glorify, I will be glorified over Pharaoh. The Egyptians shall know I am, ya way. So the question is, what is your way mean? If his purpose tonight today is, is to declare across this room and to everybody watching online, I’m your way you need to know that what would that mean?
This is the most important text in the Bible in defining God’s personal name, Exodus chapter three, verses 13 to 15. Now, many of you know that every time you see in the Old Testament in English, in most translations, capital L, capital O, capital R, capital D, all caps, that’s translating his personal name Yaqui. And if doesn’t have all caps, it’s probably translating Adonai or some other designation of God. 6800 times plus, God identifies himself with Yark way in the Old Testament, that’s my name. My name is Yaqui Gerald zekiel He’s off the charts 72 times he says that they may know it’s me yup way who did it? I y’all Wait did it I am Yawei is EQ just cannot say it. Enough. So we need to know. What does that mean? What Why do you keep saying that? Let’s read the text. Exodus chapter three, verses 13 to 15. Then Moses said to God If I come to the people of Israel and say to them, the God of your fathers has sent me to you. And they asked me, what’s his name? What you shall say to them is, what shall I say to them? Sorry, what shall I say to them? God said to Moses, I am who I am. And he said, Say this to the people of Israel, I am, has sent me to you. God also said to Moses, Say this to the people of Israel, your way, the God of your fathers, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, the God of Jacob, has sent me to you, this is my name, forever, your way. Thus, I am to be remembered throughout all generations, I guess, right 6800 times. Remember me, it’s my name, I am ya way. I want the nations to know I’m Yahoo, I want Pharaoh to know, I’m JACC way. So what does that mean? And this text is designed for the rest of eternity. And for the rest of the Bible. To put meaning on that name, Yahweh, or l, o, r, d, all caps. Three steps in this text, move us to the meaning of the name. Let’s take these steps one at a time. I’ll show them to you. Really easy to see you don’t even need Hebrew. Step number one. The first half of verse 14, God said to Moses, I am who I am. Now, that’s not his name. Yet in fact, he was saying, Look, before I tell you my name, and before you get all worked up about where I line up in the names of the gods of Egypt, or Babylon or foolish shit before you wonder about a conjure me with my name, before you wonder whether I’m the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob in my name, I want you to know get my being before you get my name. I am who I am. You’re dealing with absolute being here, Moses. I simply am. I am. Step one, clarifying the god he’s dealing with. Step to second half of verse 14. And he said, Say this to the people of Israel. I am has sent me to you that’s still not his name. That’s not his name yet. The phrase I am is building a bridge between I am who I am and Yaqui that’s this function to this I am in the middle. I am has sent me to you the one who is has sent me to you the one who absolutely is, has sent me to you. Now step three, Janine, verse 15. God also said to Moses, Say this to the people of Israel. The Lord, all caps, Ya Ya. Ya way. The God of your fathers, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, the God of Jacob, has sent me to you. This is my Name forever. So, in those three steps, Guy has finally given us his name. Yahweh we don’t really know how it was pronounced. The Jews were very reluctant to say that name, as you know, they’ll in pronouncing it they will almost always say otter and I, which is a generic word for Lord rather than that very sacred and personal name of God, you’re halfway so we’re guessing you’re halfway or the short form that you know very well all of you, yah. Hallelujah. I hope from this day to the end of your life, you never say that phrase again, without thinking, I’m praising ya his personal name, non praising just generic God Hallelu yah that would set him over against Baal and Niebo and Moloch any other god, you want to name his young Hallelu yah, it will also affect the way you use the phrase Hallelu yah, because it doesn’t make sense to use it in some contexts once you know what it means. So it’s a personal name, like James or John, or Peter. Let that sink in. This is a name like James John I am, I am who I am. You’re halfway is noun built on the verb I am. You can’t mistake the purpose of God in Exodus with regard to this name, chapter seven, verse five, that the Egyptians shall know that I am Yaqui chapter seven verse 17 By this you will know that I am Yaqui chapter eight verse 22, that you may know that I am Yahweh in the midst of the earth chapter 10 Verse two that you may know that I am Jaqui chapter 14 Verse four the Egyptians shall know that I am Yaqui a DA we get it? That’s that’s the purpose of the book the Bible history the universe I’m yup way now if I if I said 25 times in this message I’m sure that you may know them John, that you may know that I’m John they didn’t even help us to know John that would have no meaning. We have no meaning. Because John didn’t have any meaning What’s that? But what if I said my name is John power and I want you to know that I am power I want the city to know um power. I want you all to know in the depths of your being I am power
you get it? You get it? It’s not just a name. Yeah, you John it’s what sign save John power. But when you say that we get it that’s the way you should think about Yahweh I am I am who I am. I want you to know this My name has meaning say to the people I am sent me to you say to the people your way sent me to you. Because your way means I am I am who I am. I am absolute being. So what does that mean? Can you fill that out? So that when you hear l o r d all caps 6000 times in the Old Testament your heart scenes with who is at its root meaning? I am absolutely What’s that mean? So I’m going to tell you 12 things it means and I want you to soar with me. There are a few things I love to do more than think about God’s be that God is is glorious. I mean this staggering to think about God is. So let’s do this 12 meanings of I am who I am. So the when you hear Yaqui here, Lord, it’s not generic anymore. Number one, I am who I am means he never had the beginning. This staggers the mind, every little child asks mommy, or daddy, Who made God? That’s a very good question. Every child should ask that. They’re not asking that they’re not thinking Who made God and a wise mommy or daddy says, Johnny, nobody made God. He never had a beginning
and you pray, they never lose that. Never lose.
Number two, I am who I am means God will never end. He didn’t come into being he cannot go out of being. Because he is being there isn’t any place to go outside being. There’s only key before he creates all that is outside god, there’s only God. Number three, I am who I am means God is absolute reality. There’s no reality before him. There’s no reality outside of Him unless He wills it sustains it. He’s not one of many realities before he creates his absolute reality. He is all there was eternally there was no space, there was no universe, there was no emptiness. There was only God
number four, I am who I am means that God is utterly independent. He depends on nothing to bring him into being. He depends on nothing to support him. Counsel him, make him what he is. Number five, I am who I am means rather, everything that is not God depends totally on God. All that is not God is secondary. Love to think about this. All it is not God is dependent and secondary. The entire universe is utterly secondary. Oh, the galaxies that the James Webb Telescope are showing us pictures. They’re secondary, they’re a footnote. Seriously. God is primary reality, everything is secondary to God. Number six, I am who I am means all the universe is by comparison to God as nothing. Contingent dependent reality is to absolute independent reality as a shadow to substance as an echo to thunderclap as a bubble to the ocean. All that we see. All that we’re amazed at in the world, and in the galaxies compared to God is as nothing. Here’s Isaiah 40, verse 17. All the nations are as nothing before him. They are counted by him as less than nothing. and emptiness. Number seven, I am who I am means God is constant. He is the same yesterday, today and forever, he cannot be improved. He is not becoming anything. He is who He is. There’s no development in God, there’s no progress in God, absolute perfection cannot be improved. Number eight, I am who I am means that he is the absolute standard. Therefore, for all this true, all that is good. And all that is beautiful. He’s the absolute standard of truth and goodness and beauty. There’s no law book, for God to consult, when he’s trying to figure out what’s right. There’s no almanac for him to consult to establish facts. There’s no guild surrounding him to determine an excellent performance or not. He Himself is the standard of what is right, and what is true and what is beautiful. Number nine, I am who I am means God does whatever he pleases. There are no constraints on God from outside him, that could hinder him in doing anything he pleased. All reality that is outside of him, he created, he designed he governs. So he’s utterly free. He’s utterly free from any constraint. Anything outside of him, that would impinge upon him, has flowed from the counsel of his will. And he knows it. And he plans. Number 10. I am who I am means that he is the most important, most valuable person in the universe. He is more worthy of interest more worthy of your attention, more worthy of your admiration, more worthy of your enjoyment than all other realities, including the entire universe. Number 11. I am who I am God’s absolute Being means Jesus Christ is absolute. Be and I am who I am. Here’s what Jesus said to the Pharisees in John 856. Your father rejoiced that he would see my day he saw it and was glad. And they responded. You’re not yet 50 years old? And have you seen Abraham? And Jesus said to them, Truly, truly I say to you, Before Abraham was, I AM. Now he could have said before Abraham was, I was and that would have been true. That’s not what he said. He chose to say it this way. So we get it. Before Abraham was, I am who I am yuck way in the flesh
He is before all things and in Him all things hold together. Number 12 Lastly, I am who I am, became flesh and dwelt among us. And we have seen his glory. glory as of the only Son from the Father, full of grace and truth. John 114 Absolute being united with human being in such a way that we can say, When Jesus died, God purchased us by his gods blood. It is an electrifying truth that God is. It is explosive, it is wild, it is untameable. And it changes everything. If you could be captured by I am who I am, tell him I am sent you, I am has come, if you could be captured by this, your life would be thrilling. Your life would be a thrilling life. To be in touch with this reality that this God is your way this absolute I am who I am, came to us. In a human being Jesus Christ made a second Exodus out of the bondage of condemnation into the promised land of God’s happiness. The Gospel coalition has a good name, gospel coalition, because that’s really good news. It is staggeringly goodness. It is in expressively great good news, that the I Am who I Am the absolute being closed himself with human being in order to die, to make an Exodus Out of condemnation into the happiness of God is worth living your life for in every way you can possibly live in. Lord, make us a god besotted people. Grant Oh God, that we would see the great I Am that we would love you and treasure you and honor you and magnify you and make you known make you known as Yaqui among the nation’s as Yaqui in our families, as Yaqui in the neighborhoods in our churches, that we would make you known as you’re halfway I am who I am Jesus Christ. Savior friend Amen
John Piper (BA, Wheaton College; BD, Fuller Theological Seminary; ThD, University of Munich) serves as founder and lead teacher at Desiring God and is chancellor of Bethlehem College & Seminary. For 33 years, Piper served as pastor of Bethlehem Baptist Church, and he is a Council member of The Gospel Coalition. He has authored more than 50 books, and more than 30 years of his preaching and writing are available free of charge at Desiring God.