
Nancy Guthrie introduces the Book of James by explaining who James was, where he came from, and his importance to the early church.

Along with his other brothers and sisters, James started out as an unbeliever—though he was a half-sibling of Jesus—until Christ’s resurrection. Guthrie takes us through verses from the Gospels, the Book of Acts, and the historical writings to show James’s journey as the leader of the church in Jerusalem, a pastor, a peacemaker, a doer of the Word, and a man who remained steadfast under trial. In all this, we learn the significance of why James refers to himself as “a servant of God and of the Lord Jesus Christ.”

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Are You a Frustrated, Weary Pastor?

Being a pastor is hard. Whether it’s relational difficulties in the congregation, growing opposition toward the church as an institution, or just the struggle to continue in ministry with joy and faithfulness, the pressure on leaders can be truly overwhelming. It’s no surprise pastors are burned out, tempted to give up, or thinking they’re going crazy.

In ‘You’re Not Crazy: Gospel Sanity for Weary Churches,’ seasoned pastors Ray Ortlund and Sam Allberry help weary leaders renew their love for ministry by equipping them to build a gospel-centered culture into every aspect of their churches.

We’re delighted to offer this ebook to you for FREE today. Click on this link to get instant access to a resource that will help you cultivate a healthier gospel culture in your church and in yourself.

