Make It Your Ambition
Seven Godly Pursuits for the Next Generation
What will you do for the kingdom?
At some point in the last fifty years, our society began to see the young adult years as a season of life when you can just “figure things out” and have as much fun as possible while you do. Of course, your teens and twenties can be fun. And no college student or young adult in a first job can know what the next ten to fifteen years will hold. But these decades are also the launching pad for the rest of your life. As a young adult, you’ll have opportunities to make an eternal difference. After all, you’re on mission now. Jesus’s commissioning is all you need to love God, love people, and witness to the truth of the gospel.
In Make It Your Ambition, Jeremy Writebol presents young adults with seven worthy pursuits. Pick up this book and be inspired with holy ambition. Consider whether your career aspirations reach beyond the successes and goals of this life to everything God has for you. Ignite your imagination and discover what a life marked by robust, gospel-fueled, and Spirit-filled obedience can look like.
“This little book contains a message I long for all people—young and old—to know and experience: that God loves them and has a beautiful plan for their lives. I discovered this truth in my early 20s and my only regret is that I didn’t come to know it sooner. I pray this book will help many young people find joy, delight, and contentment in knowing God.”
Brian Brodersen, pastor emeritus of Calvary Chapel, Costa Mesa, California
“Jeremy has written the definitive book for redeeming young-adult life and charting a course for lasting influence. You don’t have to squander your 20s pursuing a life of meaningless parties, mindlessly playing or making plans that are shallow and self-centered. By prioritizing these seven godly pursuits, you will leave a mark for Christ and his kingdom on your generation that will reach into eternity. Make It Your Ambition is a blueprint for succeeding at what matters most.”
Chris Brooks, senior pastor of Woodside Bible Church; host of Equipped, Moody Radio
“Make it Your Ambition covers key discipleship topics for young adults with biblical clarity and spiritual earnestness in a relatable style. In a society that prizes achievement over character, this book refreshingly commends the ambitious pursuit of knowing and reflecting Jesus Christ in all we do. May God grant this goal abundantly to all who read it.”
Jonathan K. Dodson, theologian-in-residence at Citizens Church, author of numerous books including The Unbelievable Gospel and Our Good Crisis, and founder of Gospel-Centered
“The word ‘ambition’ is usually applied to certain pursuits: Get straight A’s. Climb the corporate ladder. Blow up on YouTube. But this book flips ambition on its head, encouraging you to become like Christ and serve God’s kingdom. Jeremy unpacks the Bible’s teachings on identity and calling in a way that will not only inspire you to live for God but actually show you how to do it. There are a thousand messages out there clamoring for your attention. This book contains true wisdom. Make it your ambition to follow Jesus and you will live a life that truly matters.”
Drew Dyck, author of Your Future Self Will Thank You and Just Show Up
“I wrestled for several years over God’s call on my life. As I prayed, I also asked older Christians for advice and book recommendations. I would’ve greatly benefited from Jeremy Writebol’s Make It Your Ambition. I’m so glad a new generation will have this resource to help them develop godly ambition to serve the church and fulfill the Great Commission.”
Collin Hansen, vice president for content at The Gospel Coalition and host of the Gospelbound podcast
“Christian young adults today strive to pursue Christ under the relentless downpour of our information age. Jeremy Writebol does a masterful job providing them with practical wisdom. Chock full of creative perspectives and grounded in Christ-centered principles, Make It Your Ambition will inspire you and help you refocus your life.”
Ronnie Martin, director of leader care and renewal for Harbor Network, pastor-in-residence at Redeemer Community Church in Bloomington, Indiana, author of numerous books, and cohost of The Heart of Pastoring podcast.
“Moving to the mission field in my early 20s was the beginning of the best years of my life. Now, more than 25 years into vocational ministry, I can say that I have no regrets and would do it all again. And again. I’d love nothing more than to see a wave of young people pursue the same. In Make it Your Ambition, Jeremy Writebol conveys why it’s a good, worthy, truly wonderful way to spend one’s life. He demystifies the journey into ministry and offers the needed encouragement of an older sibling or mentor in the faith. Whether you’re young and are discerning God’s call on your life or older and wondering about making a change, this book holds the wisdom you need, and it will keep you tethered to God’s grace, which will carry you through whatever you do.”
Jen Oshman, speaker, missionary, women’s ministry leader, and author of books like Cultural Counterfeits and Welcome.
“Every young adult has an innate desire to find purpose and meaning in the work they do and the life they live. Jeremy Writebol’s new book Make It Your Ambition is filled with biblically rich wisdom and practical application for young adults seeking to know their purpose and find their calling. It’s full of conviction for the apathetic, hope for the disappointed, and new perspective for the successful.”
Emma Kruger Tang, recent college graduate, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill