In Leviticus, God instructs Moses and the Israelites on how to live as his holy, set-apart people. He wants Israel, his covenant partner, to offer their lives to him in worship and complete dedication. In other words, God’s standard for his people is to be holy as he is holy (Lev 19:2).
God’s people receive the gracious reward of enjoying his glory and presence through the tabernacle, and specific laws and ceremonies accompanied its dedication. These laws reflected their Law-Giver, revealing to God’s people more of who he is. Because the people belong to him, God commanded the Israelites to live morally pure lives and not to follow the idolatrous customs of the surrounding pagan nations. Because he knew they’d fall short, God ordained priests to function as specially appointed mediators. The priests offered unblemished animals as atoning sacrifices on the tabernacle altars. Through these means, God’s people were made holy and renewed their communion with him.
Introductory Commentaries
For Sunday school teachers and small group leaders without advanced training
R. K. Harrison
Tyndale Old Testament Commentaries
IVP Academic, 2008
Large portions of the New Testament cannot be understood at all apart from Old Testament concepts like priesthood, blood sacrifice, and atonement. With this concise work, Harrison illuminates these concepts within their Old Testament context, providing needed background for Christians to understand how they’re employed in the New Testament.
Peter Y. Lee
TGC Bible Commentary
The Gospel Coalition, 2023
Lee’s introductory commentary shows how the intricate sacrificial system prepared God’s people for the future atoning work of Christ, our Great High Priest.
Leviticus: An Introduction and Commentary
Jay Sklar
Tyndale Old Testament Commentaries
IVP Academic, 2014
A fantastic entry-level work for Bible readers, teachers, and students. Sklar introduces us to the world of ancient Israel’s laws and rituals with clarity, helping church members see how the law leads to Christ
The Message of Leviticus: Free to Be Holy
Derek Tidball
Bible Speaks Today
IVP Academic, 2005
Tidball’s work is exegetically sensitive, apologetically aware, and theologically deep. He doesn’t simply distill others’ work but helps the reader to wrestle with the text on his own.
Preaching Commentaries
For pastors and Bible teachers preparing to proclaim the Word
Teaching Leviticus: From Text to Message
Geoffrey G. Harper
Christian Focus, 2022
Harper’s guide to Leviticus is exegetically robust, theologically rich, and full of helpful ideas for contemporary applications. It handles the details well while staying focused on the big picture of Leviticus.
Holiness to the Lord: A Guide to the Exposition of the Book of Leviticus
Allen P. Ross
Baker Academic, 2006
Both exegetically rigorous and homiletically helpful. Each chapter provides concise but solid exegesis of the text, gearing its comments to homiletical explanation and application.
Jay Sklar
Zondervan Exegetical Commentary
Zondervan Academic, 2023
A theologically rich commentary for both pastors and scholars. Sklar works from the Hebrew (though knowledge of Hebrew isn’t necessary), and he’s thorough in providing Christ-centered applications for pastors. The application points for each chapter can be used as primary preaching or teaching points.
Scholarly Commentaries
For scholars and pastor-theologians proficient in biblical Hebrew
John Hartley
Word Biblical Commentary
Zondervan Academic, 2015
Hartley interacts well with the Hebrew text and provides helpful thoughts on New Testament connections. He also evaluates modern critical perspectives on Leviticus.
John W. Kleinig
Concordia Commentary
Concordia Publishing, 2003
An excellent interaction with the Hebrew text from a confessional Lutheran perspective. Kleinig sheds light on the text from archaeology, history, and extra-biblical literature. And through the method of ritual analysis, he examines the agents, enactment, and theological purpose of each set of instructions in Leviticus’s divine speeches.
The Book of Leviticus
Gordon J. Wenham
New International Commentary on the Old Testament
Eerdmans, 1979
The historical and cultural context Wenham provides is incomparable and has stood the test of time. He shows readers both what the text meant in its original context and what it means for the New Testament believer in Christ.