David Ceri Jones, Barry Lewis, Madeleine Gray, D. Densil Morgan Kaitlyn Schiess Matthew Kaemingk A. J. Edwards A. O. Scott Aaron Renn Abdu Murray Abigail Dodds Abigail Santamaria Abigail Shrier Abraham Kuyper Abraham Kuyper Adam Hamilton Aimee Byrd Aimee Joseph Alan F. Johnson Alan Jacobs Alan Kreider Alan Noble Alan P. Stanley Alastair Roberts and Andrew Wilson Albert Martin Albert Mohler Alec Motyer Alec Ryrie Alex Chediak Alex DiPrima Alexis de Tocqueville Alisa Childers Alisa Childers and Tim Barnett Alisa Harris Alister E. McGrath Alister McGrath Allen Guelzo Allen Verhey Allie Beth Stuckey Alton Gansky Alvin Plantinga Amor Towles Amy Chua Amy L. Sherman Amy Peeler Andreas J. Köstenberger, L. Scott Kellum, and Charles L. Quarles Andreas Köstenberger and Justin Taylor Andreas Köstenberger, Darrell Bock, and Josh Chatraw Andrew Atherstone and David Ceri Jones Andrew Bartlett Andrew David Naselli and Collin Hansen Andrew David Naselli and J. D. Crowley Andrew Davis Andrew Heard Andrew Murray Andrew Naselli Andrew Peterson Andrew Pettegree and Arthur der Weduwen Andrew Purves Andrew Root Andrew T. Lincoln Andrew Walker Andrew Wilson Andrew and Rachel Wilson Andy Crouch Andy Johnson Andy Stanley Andy Wrasman Angel Adams Parham Angela Duckworth Angelina Jolie Ann Mobley Ann Voskamp Anna Meade Harris Anne R. Bradley and Arthur W. Lindsley Anne-Marie Slaughter Annie F. Downs Anonymous Anthony B. Bradley Anthony Bradley Anthony Carter Anthony DeStefano Anthony Kronman Anthony L. Chute, Christopher W. Morgan, and Robert W. Peterson Anthony Selvaggio Antón Barba-Kay Archibald Alexander Arlin C. Migliazzo Art Rainer Arthur C. Brooks Ashley McGuire Athanasius Augustine Austen Hartke Austin Hill and Scott Rae Austin M. Freeman Ava DuVernay Ayman Ibrahim Barbara Bancroft Barbara Ehrenreich Barnabas Piper Barry Cooper Barry Hankins Bart D. Ehrman Bart Ehrman Basil of Caesarea Bede Ben Freeth Ben Myers Ben Sasse Ben Sciacca Ben Witherington III Benjamin B. Saunders Benjamin L. Gladd and Matthew S. Harmon Benjamin L. Merkle Benjamin Laird Benjamin M. Friedman Benjamin Mast Benjamin Merkle and Thomas Schreiner Benjamin Storey and Jenna Silber Storey Betsy Childs Howard Betsy Howard Betty Friedan Bill Kynes Bill O’Reilly and Martin Dugard Blair Davis Bo Giertz Bob Cutillo Bob Kauflin Bob Kellemen Bob Smietana Bobby Jamieson Bowler, Kate Brad East Brad Gregory Brad Hambrick Brad House and Gregg Allison Brad Littlejohn Brad Littlejohn and Chris Castaldo Brad S. Gregory Brad Vermurlen Brad Wilcox Bradley Sickler Brandon Smith Brant Hansen Brent Waters Brené Brown Brett McCracken Brian Croft Brian Croft and Jason Adkins Brian Croft and Ronnie Martin Brian Fikkert and Kelly Kapic Brian Hedges Brian M. Williams Brian McLaren Brian Stanley Brian Tabb Brian and Cara Croft Bruce A. Ware Bruce Ashford Bruce Ashford and Chris Pappalardo Bruce Ashford and Heath Thomas Bruce Baugus Bruce Gordon Bryan Chapell Bryan Litfin Bryan Loritts Buster Olney C. S. Lewis Cal Newport Caleb Breakey Caleb Kaltenbach Cameron Cole Cameron Cole and Jon Nielson Cameron J. Anderson Candida Moss Carl Ellis Jr. Carl F. H. Henry Carl Laferton Carl R. Trueman Carl Trueman Carmen Joy Imes Carol Cornish Caroline Fraser Carolyn Custis James Carolyn Mahaney and Nicole Whitacre Casper Olevianus Catherine A. Brekus Catherine Nixey Chad Gibbs Champ Thornton Charles Camosy Charles Cotherman Charles E. Hill Charles Halton, ed Charles Lee Irons Charles Leiter Charles Marsh Charles Taylor Charles and Janet Morris Chelsea Patterson Sobolik Chris Arnade Chris Bail Chris Brauns Chris Bruno and Matt Dirks Chris Castaldo Chris R. Armstrong Christian Buckley and Ryan Dobson Christian Miller Christian Piatt Christian Smith Christian Smith and Hilary Davidson Christian Wiman Christin Ditchfield Christine Emba Christine Hoover Christopher Ash Christopher Catherwood Christopher Gehrz and Mark Pattie Christopher Hall Christopher John Donato Christopher Lane Christopher Morgan Christopher Phillips Christopher R. J. Holmes Christopher W. Morgan and Robert A. Peterson Christopher Watkin Christopher Wright Christopher Yuan and Angela Yaun Christopher and Richard Hays Chuck DeGroat Chuck Lawless and Adam Greenway Claire and Eli Clarissa Moll Clive Marsh and Vaughan S. Roberts Coleman Ford Coleman Ford and Shawn Wilhite Colin Marshall and Tony Payne Colin Nicholl Colin S. Smith Colleen Chao Collin Hansen Collin Hansen and Jonathan Leeman Collin Hansen and Sarah Eekhoff Zylstra Colson Whitehead Condoleezza Rice Conrad Mbewe Constance Paddock Constantine R. Campbell Cormac McCarthy Cornelius Plantiga Jr. Cornelius Plantinga Corrie ten Boom Costi Hinn Courtney Anderson Courtney Reissig Craig Bartholomew Craig G. Bartholomew Craig L. Blomberg Crawford Gribben Curtis Allen Cyril of Alexandria D. A. Carson D. G. Hart D. H. Dilbeck D. L. Moody Dallas Willard Dan Darling Dan DeWitt Dane C. Ortlund Dane Ortlund Daniel Block Daniel C. Timmer Daniel Darling Daniel Doriani Daniel Dreisbach Daniel Heimbach Daniel Hyde Daniel Junge and Bryan Storkel Daniel Mattson Daniel Montgomery and Timothy Paul Jones Daniel Nayeri Daniel R. Bare Daniel R. Hyde Daniel Silliman Daniel Strange Daniel Walker Daniel Williams Dante Alighieri Darel Paul Darrell Bock Darren Aronofsky Darren Grem Darrin Patrick Dave Harvey Dave Kraft David B. Auerbach David B. Calhoun David B. Garner David Baddiel David Bennett David Bentley Hart David Berlinski David Buschart and Kent Eilers David Dockery David E. Prince David F. Wells David French David G. Peterson David Gibson David Gibson and Jonathan Gibson David Goldfield David Gushee David H. Glass David Helm David Hollinger David Horner David J. Jackman David K. Naugle David Kertzer David Kinnaman David Kinnaman and Gabe Lyons David Kinnaman and Mark Matlock David Kline David Koyzis David L. Allen and Steve W. Lemke David Leong David Lyle Jeffrey David M. Gustafson David Mathis David Mathis and Jonathan Parnell David Murray David Nixon David P. Setran David Paul McDowell David Platt David Powlison David S. Dockery and Timothy George David S. Landes David Teems David VanDrunen David W. Blight David Wells David White David Whitehead David Zucchino David and Barbara Leeman Dayton Hartman and Michael McEwan Deepak Reju and Marty Machowski Denise Uwimana Dennis Venema and Scot McKnight Derek C. Schuurman Derek Cooper Derek Flood Derwin L. Gray Devoney Looser Diana Butler Bass Diane Langberg Diane Paddison Diarmaid MacCulloch Dietrich Bonhoeffer Dolphus Weary with Josh Dear and William Hendricks Don Carson Don Little Don Thorsen Donnie Griggs Dorothy L. Sayers Doug Serven Douglas A. Sweeney Douglas Brouwer Douglas Estes Douglas F. Kelly Douglas Groothuis Douglas S. Bursch Douglas S. Earl Douglas Sean O'Donnell Douglas Sean O’Donnell Douglas Wilson Drew Dyck Drew Hunter Duane Litfin Duncan Hamilton E. D. Burns E. Randolph Richards and Brandon J. O’Brien E. Randolph Richards and Richard James Eckhard J. Schnabel Ed Moll and Tim Chester Ed Shaw Ed Stetzer Ed Stetzer and Thom Rainer Ed Welch Eddie Gibbs Edith Hall Edward T. Welch Eileen Bebbington Eleanor H. Tejirian and Reeva Spector Simon Eli Finkel Elisabeth Elliot Elizabeth B. Brown Elizabeth Dias and Lisa Lerer Elizabeth Oldfield Ellen Dykas Elliot Clark Elyse Fitzpatrick and Jessica Thompson Emily Esfahani Smith Emily Jensen and Laura Wifler Emmanuel Carrère Epictetus Eric C. Redmond Eric Costanzo, Daniel Yang, and Matthew Soerens Eric Geiger Eric Johnson Eric Mason Eric Metaxas Eric O. Jacobsen Eric Ortlund Eric Schumacher Eric Seibert Erik Raymond Erik Thoennes Erin Vearncombe, Brandon Scott, and Hal Taussig Esau McCaulley Eugene H. Peterson Evan Baehr and Evan Loomis Evelyne Reisacher F. Bruce Gordon Fleming Rutledge Frances FitzGerald Frances M. Young Francis A. Schaeffer Francis Chan Francis Chan and Preston Sprinkle Francis Chan with Mark Beuving Francis J. Beckwith Francis Lawrence Francis Schaeffer Francis Shaeffer Francis Spufford Frank Schaeffer Franklin Foer Fred Sanders Fred Zaspel G. R. Evans Gabe Lyons Gabriel N. E. Fluhrer Gary Burge Gary Haugen and Victor Boutros Gary L. Colledge Gary Millar and Phil Campbell Gary Saul Morson and Morton Schapiro Gary T. Meadors Gavin Ortlund Gaye B. Clark Geerhardus Vos Gene C. Fant Jr. Gene Edward Veith Jr. Gene Edward Veith Jr. and Matthew P. Ristuccia Geoffrey Chang George Herbert George Marsden George Weigel George Yancey Gerald Bray Gerald L. Sittser Gerald McDermott Gerald Rau Gilbert Meilaender Gina Dalfonzo Glenn R. Paauw Glenna Marshall Glennon Doyle Glennon Doyle Melton Gloria Furman Gloria Furman and Kathleen Nielson Glynn Harrison Gordon Smith Gordon Watson Gordon Wenham Grace Olmstead Graeme Goldsworthy Graham Cole Grant Wacker Greg Gilbert Greg Johnson Greg Lukianoff and Jonathan Haidt Greg Peters Gregg Allison and Christ Castaldo Gregg R. Allison Gregory Alan Thornbury Gregory Boyd Gregory Coles Gregory Thornbury Gregory Wills Greg Beale and Mitchell Kim Guillaume Groen van Prinsterer Guy Prentiss Waters Guy Prentiss Waters, J. Nicholas Reid, John R. Muether Hanna Rosin Hannah Anderson Hannah Nation & Simon Liu Hans Madueme Hans Madueme and Michael Reeves Hans Rosling Harley Talman and John Jay Travis Harold Senkbeil Harper Lee Harrison Scott Key Heath Lambert Heidi Campbell and Stephen Garner Helen L. Taylor Henri Nouwen Henry Kissinger, Eric Schmidt, and Daniel Huttenlocher Herman Bavinck Herman Witsius Hillary Morgan Ferrer Humphrey Carpenter Hunter Baker Iain H. Murray Iain Murray Ian Harber Ian Johnson Ian Ker Ian and Larissa Murphy Ibram X. Kendi Irene Vallejo Irwyn Ince Isaac Adams Isabel Wilkerson Ivan Mesa J. A. Medders J. Alasdair Groves and Winston T. Smith J. C. Ryle J. D. Greear J. D. Payne J. D. Vance J. Gresham Machen J. H. Bavinck J. I. Packer J. I. Packer & Gary A. Parrett J. I. Packer and Carolyn Nystrom J. K. Rowling as Robert Galbraith J. Mack Stiles J. Merrick and Stephen M. Garrett J. Nelson Kraybill J. P. Moreland J. R. Briggs J. R. Vassar J. Ryan Lister J. T. English J. Todd Billings J. Warner Wallace Jack Weatherford Jackie Gibson Jackie Hill Perry Jackson W. Jackson Wu Jacob Shatzer Jake Meador Jamaal Williams and Timothy Paul Jones James Beilby James Bratt James Bryan Smith James C. Petty James D. G. Dunn. James Davison Hunter James Davison Hunter and Paul Nedelisky James Eglinton James Emery White James H. Moorhead James K. A. Smith James K. Hoffmeier and Dennis R. Magary James M. Hamilton James M. Hamilton Jr. James MacDonald James N. Anderson James R. Edwards James R. Payton Jr. James Rebanks James Skillen James Spiegel James V. Brownson James W. Sire Jamie Dunlop Jamie Wright Jamin Goggin and Kyle Strobel Jane Dawson Jani Ortlund Jaquelle Crowe Jared C. Wilson Jared Kennedy Jared Kennedy and Trish Mahoney Jared Wilson Jarvis J. Williams and Kevin Jones, eds. Jasmine Holmes Jason B. Hood Jason C. Meyer Jason Farman Jason Helopoulos Jason Romano Jason S. DeRouchie Jay Bakker with Martin Edlund Jean Twenge Jeff Vanderstelt Jefferson Bethke and Jon Tyson Jeffrey Bilbro Jeffrey Crotts Jeffrey Moran Jeffrey Munroe Jeffrey S. Hardy Jeffrey W. Barbeau Jemar Tisby Jen Hatmaker Jen Oshman Jen Pollock Michel Jen Wilkin Jen Wilkin and J. T. English Jenell Williams Paris Jennie Allen Jennifer Summit and Blakey Vermeule Jeramie Rinne Jeremiah Burroughs Jeremiah Montgomery Jeremy Begbie Jeremy Evans Jeremy Linneman Jeremy Pierre Jeremy Pierre and Deepak Reju Jeremy Treat Jeremy Writebol Jerram Barrs Jerry Bridges Jerry Rankin and Ed Stetzer Jessalyn Hutto Jesse Florea with Mike Yorkey Jessica Barron and Rhys Williams Jessica Thompson Jhumpa Lahiri Jim Belcher Jim Davis, Michael Graham, Ryan Burge Jim Gaffigan Jim Henderson Jim Martin Jim Samra Jim Wallis Jimmy Carter Joanne Jung Joe Carter Joe Rigney Joe Thorn Joel B. Green Joel Beeke Joel Beeke and Nick Thompson Joel R. Beeke Joey Shaw Johann Chapoutot John A. D'Elia John Andrew Bryant John Bolt John Bunyan John C. Knapp John C. Lennox John Calvin John Coe and Todd Hall John Corvino, Ryan Anderson, and Sherif Gergis John D. Inazu John D. Wilsey John Dickerson John Dickson John Dunlop John Dyer John Eldredge John F. MacArthur Jr. and Richard Mayhue John Feinberg John Flavel John Frame John Franke John G. Stackhouse Jr. John G. Turner John Ganz John Goldingay John Gray John Grisham and Jim McCloskey John H. Sailhamer John H. Walton John Hendrix John Hughes John Jefferson Davis John Lennox John M. G. Barclay John MacArthur John Mark Comer John Murray John Newton John Owen John Perkins John Piper John S. Feinberg John S. Hammett John S. Hammett and Benjamin L. Merkle John Sowers John Starke John Stonestreet and Brett Kunkle John Stott John Webster John Wigger John Woodbridge and Collin Hansen Jon Nielson Jon Tyson Jonah Goldberg Jonathan C. Edwards Jonathan Dodson Jonathan Edwards Jonathan Grant Jonathan Haidt Jonathan K. Dodson Jonathan K. Dodson and Brad Watson Jonathan Last Jonathan Leeman Jonathan Lunde Jonathan M. Fisk Jonathan Menn Jonathan Parnell Jonathan Pennington Jonathan Rauch Jonathan Rogers Jonathan Sacks Jonathan T. Pennington Jordan B. Peterson Jordan Ballor Jordan Raynor Joseph Bottum Joseph Conrad Joseph Crespino Joseph E. Uscinski Joseph H. Hellerman Joseph Henrich Joseph Loconte Joseph Minich Joseph W. Smith Josephine Quinn Josh Larsen Josh McDowell and Sean McDowell Josh Moody Josh Moody and Robin Weekes Joshua Chatraw and Jack Carson Joshua Chatraw and Mark Allen Joshua D. Chatraw and Mark D. Allen Joshua Harris Joshua Jipp Joshua Mitchell Joshua Ryan Butler Joshua DuBois Joss Wheden Joy Marie Clarkson Juan Sanchez Judah Smith Julia B. Higgins Juliet Benner Justin Buzzard Justin Giboney, Michael Wear, Chris Butler Justin Lee Justin S. Holcomb and Lindsey A. Holcomb Justin Whitmel Earley Justin and Lindsey Holcomb Justo González K. Scott Oliphint Kara Tippetts Karen Martin Karen Roudkovski Karen Swallow Prior Karl Giberson Kate Bowler Kate McCord Katelyn Beaty Katharine Gerbner Katherine James Katherine and Jay Wolf Kathleen B. Nielson Kathleen Lodwick Kathleen Nielson and Gloria Furman Kathryn Butler Kathryn Gin Lum Kathryn T. Long Kathy Keller Katie McCoy Kay S. Hymowitz Keith and Kristyn Getty Kelly Bean Kelly Kapic Kelly M. Kapic Ken Sande and Kevin Johnson Ken Wytsma Kenneth Collins and Jerry Walls Kenneth Erisman Kenneth Padgett and Shay Gregorie Kenneth Stewart Kevin DeYoung Kevin DeYoung and Greg Gilbert Kevin J. Vanhoozer Kevin M. Kruse Kevin Schut Kevin Vanhoozer Kim Phuc Phan Thi Kirsten Powers Klaus Issler Klyne Snodgrass Kristin Swenson Kurt Anderson Kutter Callaway and Dean Batali Kyle David Bennett Kyle Idleman Kyle McClellan Kyle Strobel Lara Casey Larry Alex Taunton Larry Crabb Larry Eskridge Larry Osborne Larry Siedentop Larry W. Hurtado Larry Woiwode Laura F. Fabrycky Laura Hillenbrand Laura M. Harman Laura Wifler Lecrae Lecrae Moore Lee Eclov Leigh Ann Wheeler Leigh Schmidt Leland Ryken Leland Ryken & Glenda Faye Mathes Leon Morris Leonardo De Chirico Lesslie Newbigin Lewis Allen Linda Hirshman Lindsey Carlson Lois Tverberg Louise Perry Lucy S. R. Austen Luder Whitlock Luke Goodrich Lydia Brownback Lyndal Roper Lysa TerKeurst Mac Pier Mack Stiles Macy Halford Makoto Fujimura Malcolm Gladwell Marc Cortez Marie Kondo Marilynne Robinson Mark A. Noll Mark A. Yarhouse Mark Achtemeier Mark Batterson Mark Boda Mark D. Liederbach & Evan Lenow Mark David Hall Mark DeVine and Darrin Patrick Mark Deckard Mark Dever Mark Dever and Jamie Dunlop Mark Driscoll Mark Driscoll and Grace Driscoll Mark F. Rooker Mark Galli Mark J. Boda Mark Jones Mark Lilla Mark Noll Mark Noll and Carolyn Nystrom Mark Regnerus Mark Sayers Mark T. B. Laing and Paul Weston Mark Twain Mark Valeri Mark Vroegop Markku Ruotsila Marshall Segal Martha Peace and Stuart W. Scott Marvin Olasky and Leah Savas Mary Eberstadt Mary Frances Bowley Maryanne Wolf Matt Carter and Aaron Ivey Matt Chandler with Jared C. Wilson Matt Merker Matt Papa Matt Perman Matt Rhodes Matt Smethurst Matthew B. Crawford Matthew Barrett Matthew Barrett and Michael A. G. Haykin Matthew Bates Matthew Bowman Matthew C. Mitchell Matthew J. Hall and Owen Strachan, eds Matthew Kaemingk and Cory B. Willson Matthew Kim Matthew Lee Anderson Matthew Levering Matthew McCullough Matthew Pinson Matthew Sutton Matthew T. Martens Matthew Vines Matthew Y. Emerson Matthew Y. Emerson and Brandon D. Smith Maurice Possley and John Woodbridge Megan Best Megan Breedlove Megan Hill Melani McAlister Melissa Kruger Melissa Kruger (ed.) Melvin Tinker Michael A. G. Haykin Michael Allen Rogers Michael Allen and Jonathan A. Linebaugh Michael Behe Michael Bird Michael Cafferky Michael Cheshire Michael Emlet Michael F. Bird Michael F. Bird, Craig A. Evans, Simon J. Gathercole, Charles E. Hill, Chris Tilling Michael Frost Michael Goheen Michael Haykin Michael Heiser Michael Horton Michael J. Kruger Michael J. Sandel Michael Joseph McVicar Michael Lawrence Michael McAfee & Lauren Green McAfee Michael McKinley Michael P. Jensen Michael Reeves Michael Reeves and Tim Chester Michael Rhodes and Robby Holt Michael Sandel Michael Ward Michael Wear Michael Wilcock Michael Winship Michael Wittmer Michael Svigel Michel Cool Michelle DeRusha Michelle Lee-Barnewall Mike Cosper Mike McGarry Mike McKinley Miles Hollingworth Miriam Huffman Rockness Miroslav Volf Miroslav Volf and Ryan McAnnaly-Linz Mitch Stokes Moisés Naím Molly Worthen Moshe Halbertal and Stephen Holmes Myron B. Penner N. D. Wilson N. T. Wright N. T. Wright and Mike Bird Nabeel Qureshi Nadia Bolz-Weber Nadya Williams Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth Nancy Guthrie Nancy Jo Sales Nancy Koester Nancy Pearcey Nancy R. Pearcey Nancy Sleeth Nate Collins Nate Pyle Neil Bach Neil J. Young Neil Postman Neil Shenvi and Pat Sawyer Nellie Bowles Nicholas Carr Nicholas McDonald Nick Roark and Robert Cline Nijay Gupta Nik Ripken with Gregg Lewis Norman L. Geisler and William C. Roach Obbie Tyler Todd Oliver Burkeman Oliver D. Crisp Oliver Keenan Oliver O'Donovan Oliver O’Donovan Oren Cass Os Guiness Os Guinness Owen Strachan Owen Strachan and Kevin Vanhoozer Pat Quinn Pat and Tammy McLeod Patrick Deneen Patrick Henry Reardon Patrick Lee and Robert P. George Patrick Miller and Keith Simon Patrick Schreiner Paul Copan and William Lane Craig Paul David Tripp Paul E. Miller Paul Emory Putz Paul Gutjahr Paul K. Helseth Paul Kalanithi Paul M. Gould Paul McCusker Paul Miller Paul Pastor Paul R. House Paul Reynolds Paul S. Jones Paul S. Williams Paul Tautges Paul Tripp Paul Washer Paula Frederiksen Paula Fredriksen Peter Attia Peter Berger Peter Choi Peter Enns Peter Gentry Peter Gentry and Stephen Wellum Peter Harrison Peter Heather Peter Hubbard Peter J. Leithart Peter Kreeft Peter Leithart Peter Lillback Peter McDonough Peter Seewald Peter Stuhlmacher Peter Thuesen Peter Watson Peter Williams Petrus van Mastricht Phil Newton and Matt Schmucker Phil Ryken Philip Freeman Philip Graham Ryken Philip Jenkins Philip Payne Philip Ryken Philip and Carol Zaleski Phillip E. Johnson and John Mark Reynolds Pierce Brantley Poe, Harry Lee Preston Sprinkle R. A. Dickey R. Albert Mohler R. B. Jamieson and Tyler R. Wittman R. C. Sproul R. Kent Hughes R. Marie Griffith R. R. Reno R. Scott Pace and Jim Shaddix R. T. Kendall R. W. Glenn Rachael Denhollander Rachel Gilson Rachel Held Evans Rachel Hollis Rachel Jankovic Rachel Jones Rachel Marie Stone Rachel Pieh Jones Radiohead Rainn Wilson Raleigh Sadler Randall Fuller Randy Alcorn Randy Boyagoda Randy Elrod Randy Newman Ray Ortlund Ray Rhodes Jr. Ray and Jani Ortlund Rebecca Anna Goetz Rebecca Manley Pippert Rebecca McLaughlin Rebecca Sharbach Wollenberg Rebecca Traister Rhyne R. Putman Richard A. Muller Richard Bauckham Richard Beck Richard Dawkins Richard J. Mouw Richard Lints Richard Lovelace Richard M. Gamble Richard Peck Richard Rohr Richard Rohr with Mike Morrell Richard Sibbes Richard Stearns Richard Wurmbrand Rick Warren, Daniel Amen, and Mark Hyman Rico Tice Ritchie Robertson Rob Bell Rob Lister Rob Moll Rob and Kristen Bell Robby Gallaty Robert Alter Robert Covolo Robert D. Putnam Robert Fryling Robert J. Renaud and Lael D. Weinberger Robert Letham Robert Louis Wilken Robert Putnam Robert Reilly Robert Sherman Robert Sirico Robert Tracy McKenzie Robert W. Kelleman Robert Wuthnow Robin Hadaway Robin Lane Fox Rod Dreher Rodney Stark and Xiuhua Wang Roger Olson Roger Scruton Roger Wagner and Andrew Briggs Ronald C. Den Otter Rosaria Butterfield Rosaria Champagne Butterfield Ross Douthat Rowan Williams Russ Ramsey Russell D. Moore Russell Moore Ryan Anderson Ryan Holiday Ryan P. Burge Ryan T. Anderson Ryan and Josh Shook Ryszard Legutko S. Joshua Swamidass Sally Lloyd-Jones and Jago Sam Allberry Sam Andreades Sam Chan Sam Quinones Sam Storms Samuel G. Parkison Samuel Gregg Samuel James Samuel Perry Samuel Rodriguez Sandra Glahn Sandra McCracken Sarah Collins and Jayne Haynes Sarah Irving-Stonebraker Sarah Rice Sarah Young Scot McKnight Scot McKnight and Tommy Preson Phillips Scott M. Gibson Scott M. Manetsch Scott Marshall Scott R. Swain Scott R. Swain and Michael Allen Scott Sauls Scott Stapp Scott Thomas Scott Young Scotty Smith & Russ Masterson Sean Demars Sean M. McDonough Sean McDowell and John Marriott Sean McDowell and John Stonestreet Sean McDowell and Jonathan Morrow Sean Michael Lucas Sharon Hodde Miller Sharon James Shauna Niequist Shelby Abbott Sheldon Vanauken Sherif Girgis, Ryan T. Anderson, and Robert P. George Sheryl Sandberg Sheryl Sandberg and Adam Grant Sidney Greidanus Simon Gathercole Simon P. Kennedy Simonetta Carr Sinclair B. Ferguson Sinclair Ferguson Soong-Chan Rah St. Gregory of Nazianzus Stanley Fish Stephen Brett Eccher Stephen Furtick Stephen G. Dempster Stephen Greenblatt Stephen J. Nichols Stephen J. Wellum Stephen Nichols and Ned Bustard Stephen O. Presley Stephen Owens Stephen P. Greggo and Timothy A. Sisemore Stephen Prothero Stephen R. Holmes Stephen Westerholm Stephen Wolfe Steve Bruce Steve DeWitt Steve Hoppe Steve Taylor Steve Timmis and Tim Chester Steve Turner Steve Viars Steven Friesen, Daniel Showalter, and James Walters Steven Furtick Steven J. Duby Steven J. Lawson Steven P. Miller Steven Pinker Steven W. Smith Sunita Puri Susan Casey Susan Jacoby Susan Ortega VandePol Sven Birkerts T. David Gordon T. Desmond Alexander Ta-Nehisi Coates Tara Isabella Burton Tara Klena Barthel and David V. Edling Ted Kluck Ted Kluck and Dallas Janche Ted Rivera Ted Turnau Terry Heaton Thabiti Anyabwile Thaddeus J. Williams Thaddeus Williams Thom S. Rainer Thomas Breimaier Thomas Brooks Thomas H. McCall Thomas Kidd Thomas L. Friedman Thomas Nagel Thomas Nettles Thomas R. Schreiner and Matthew R. Crawford Thomas Rainer Thomas S. Kidd Thomas Schreiner Tilly Dillehay Tim & Kathy Keller Tim Alberta Tim Challies Tim Chester Tim Chester and Steve Timmis Tim Cooper Tim Grass Tim Keesee Tim Keesee and Peter Hansen Tim Keller Tim Keller & John Inazu Tim Kimmel Tim Meadowcroft Tim Muehlhoff and Richard Langer Tim Savage Tim Stafford Tim Tebow and Nathan Whitaker Timothy George Timothy Keller Timothy Keller with Kathy Keller Timothy Kurek Timothy Mahoney Timothy P. Carney Timothy Paul Jones Timothy Witmer Tina Boesch Tish Harrison Warren Tiya Miles Todd Burpo Todd L. Miles Todd Miles Todd Sorrell Todd Wilson Tom Holland Tom Krattenmaker Tom Nelson Tony Evans Tony Merida Tony Reinke Trevin Wax Trillia Newbell Tullian Tchividjian Tyler J. VanderWeele Tyler Wigg-Stevenson Vaughan Roberts Verlyn Flieger Vermon Pierre Vern Poythress Vern Sheridan Poythress Victor Lee Austin Vigen Guroian Voddie Baucham Jr. Voddie T. Baucham Jr. W. David O. Taylor Walter Brueggemann Walter Isaacson Walter R. Strickland II Wang Yi Wayne Grudem Wayne Grudem and Barry Asmus Wendy Alsup Wesley Hill Whitney Pipkin Whittaker Chambers Wilfred M. McClay and Ted V. McAllister, eds William B. Barcley William B. Whitney William Blair and Bruce Hunt William D. Romanowski William Edgar William J. Webb William K. Kay William Lane Craig William Lane Craig and Chad Meister William P. Smith William Paul Young William Struthers William Young Willis Jenkins Winfield Bevins Winfree Brisley and Jared Kennedy Winn Collier Witmer, Stephen Yuval Levin Zac Hicks Zachary Wagner Zack Eswine ed. by Craig Keener and John H. Walton ALL
A. S. Ibrahim Aaron Armstrong Aaron Earls Aaron Lumpkin Aaron Menikoff Aaron Wine Abraham Cho Adam Day Adam S. Francisco Adam Stewart Brown Aimee Joseph Ajith Fernando Alasdair Groves Alastair Roberts Albert Mohler Alex Duke Alex Kirk Alisa Childers Alyson Averitt Amanda Aucoin Amber Komatsu Ameen Hudson Amy Tyson Andreas Köstenberger Andrew Ballitch Andrew Heard Andrew Hoffecker Andrew Judd Andrew Kelley Andrew Le Peau Andrew Lisi Andrew Moody Andrew Peterson Andrew Spencer Andrew T. Walker Andrew Wilson Andy Crouch Andy Davis Andy McLean Anne Kennedy Anne Paulk Anne Redd Chamberlin Anonymous Ansley Quiros Ardel Caneday Ashley Dickens Ashley Null Barnabas Piper Barry Cooper Barry Hankins Becket Cook Ben Bailie Ben Rogers Ben Sharbaugh Ben Wright Benjamin Espinoza Benjamin Myers Benjamin Vrbicek Bernard N. Howard Bernie A. Cueto Bethany Jenkins Betsy Childs Howard Beverly Chao Berrus Bill Kynes Bill Such Blake Bozarth Blake Hardcastle Bob Allums Bob Buchanan Bob Doll Bob Kellemen Bob Thune Bobby G. Griffith Jr. Bobby Jamieson Bobby Scott Brad Sickler Brad Wetherell Brandon D. Crowe Brandon D. Smith Brent Bounds Brent Fulton Brett McCracken Brian Borgman Brian Cosby Brian Croft Brian Davis Brian Dennert Brian G. Hedges Brian Gross Brian Mattson Brooks Buser Bruce Ashford Bruce Baugus Bruce Hindmarsh Bryan Baise Bryan Litfin Bryan Murawski Burk Parsons Caleb Greggsen Caleb Morell Caleb Wait Carl Trueman Carlton Wynne Caroline Cobb Casey Croy Cassie Watson Catherine MacKenzie Chad Ashby Champ Thornton Chap Bettis Charissa Crotts Charles Lee Irons Charlie Trimm Chase Replogle Ched Spellman Chet Daniels Chet Harvey Chris Brauns Chris Castaldo Chris Colquitt Chris Dendy Chris Krycho Chris Martin Chris McNerney Chris Nye Chris Pappalardo Chris Talbot Chris Watkin Christina Fox Christine Hoover Christopher Ash Christopher Cleveland Christopher Osterbrock Christopher Yuan Claire Smith Clarissa Moll Claude Atcho Cody Podor Cole Carnesecca Cole Shiflet Coleman Ford Colin Duriez Collin Garbarino Collin Hansen Collin Huber Corey Poff Courtney Reissig Coye Still Craig Blomberg Craig Sanders Curtis Heffelfinger Curtis Woods D. Blair Smith D. Michael Lindsay Dan Benson Dan Doriani Dan Olson Dane Ortlund Dani Bryson Daniel Blanche Daniel C. Timmer Daniel Darling Daniel DeWitt Daniel Diffey Daniel K. Williams Daniel Montgomery Daniel Owens Daniel Patterson Daniel Roe Daniel Walsh Danny Akin Darby Strickland Darrell L. Bock Darren Carlson Dave Harvey Dave Jenkins David A. Bosch David Ceri Jones David Dewberry David E. Prince David Edling David Haines David Hegg David Jones David Koyzis David Mathis David Murray David Schrock David Shaw David Smith David Snyder David Young David “Gunner” Gundersen Denise Heebner Dennis Greeson Denny Burk Derek Cooper Derek J. Brown Derek Rishmawy Devin Maddox Don Carson Donald Macleod Donna Dobbs Doug Coleman Doug Hankins Douglas Axe Douglas Goodin Douglas Groothuis Douglas Moo Douglas Phillips Douglas Webster Drew Dickerson Drew Dyck Drew Griffin Drew Martin Drew Yancey Duane Litfin Duke Kwon Ed Shaw Ed Smither Elizabeth Bryan Elliot Clark Emily Freeman Emma Kruger Emma Thornett Eowyn Stoddard Eric C. Redmond Eric Hall Eric Michael Washington Eric Parker Eric T. Brandt Eric Teetsel Erik Raymond Erin Hawley Erin Shaw Erwin Lutzer Franklin Payne Fred Sanders Fred Zaspel Garrett Kell Gary Schultz Jr. Gavin Ortlund Gavin Peacock Gaye Clark Gene C. Fant Jr. George H. Guthrie George Marsden George Robertson George Yancey Gerald Bray Gerald Hiestand Ginger Blomberg Glen Scrivener Glenn A. Moots Glenn Wishnew Glenna Marshall Gloria Furman Gracilynn Hanson Gracy Olmstead Graham Cole Graham Shearer Grant Gaines Greg Bailey Greg Forster Greg Phelan Gregg Frazer Gregg R. Allison Gregory Bledsoe Griffin Gulledge Guillaume Bignon Guillermo Gonzalez Gus Pritchard Guy Waters Gwen Burrow Hannah Anderson Hannah Turrill Hans Madueme Harrison Perkins Heath Lambert Heather Davis Nelson Hershael York Hugh Whelchel Hunter Baker Hunter Beaumont Hunter Hindsman Ian Clary Ian Harber Igal German Irwyn Ince Israel Soong Ivan Mesa J. A. Medders J. D. Greear J. D. Payne J. F. Arnold J. Gary Millar J. I. Packer J. J. Sherwood J. Ryan West J. T. English J. Todd Billings J. V. Fesko Jaclyn S. Parrish Jake Meador James Eglinton James M. Hamilton Jr. Jamie Carlson Jane Tooher Jaquelle Crowe Ferris Jared Kennedy Jared Oliphint Jarvis J. Williams Jasmine Holmes Jason Cook Jason Dollar Jason G. Duesing Jason Helopoulos Jason Hood Jason K. Allen Jason S. DeRouchie Jason Seville Jason Thacker Jay Bruce Jay Gardner Jay Sklar Jeff Haanen Jeff Robinson Jeff Vanderstelt Jeffrey Stivason Jemar Tisby Jen Oshman Jen Pollock Michel Jenni Pyrch Jennifer Marshall Jeremiah Montgomery Jeremy Kimble Jeremy Larson Jeremy Linneman Jesse Furey Jessica Hong Jessica Hooten Wilson Joann Pittman Joanna Kimbrel Jodi Ware Joe Carter Joe Harrod Joel Kurz Joel R. Beeke Joel S. Joey Cochran Johanna Hanson John Beeson John Collins John D. Wilsey John Dunlop John Dyer John F. Hanna John Goodrich John Henderson John Inazu John Jefferson Davis John M. Frame John Murchison John Perritt John Ross John Sarver John Shelton John Starke John Stonestreet John Sykes John Turner John Wingard Jon Hoglund Jon Saunders Jonathan Brack Jonathan Den Hartog Jonathan Dodson Jonathan Hood Jonathan Leeman Jonathan Martinez Jonathan Parnell Jonathan Threlfall Jonathan Worthington Joni Eareckson Tada Jono Darville Jordan Ballor Joseph A. Kohm Jr. Joseph D. Fantin Joseph Gorra Joseph Rhea Josh Blount Josh Manley Josh Philpot Josh Starkey Josh Wester Joshua Bowman Joshua Chatraw Joshua Greever Joshua Hill Joshua Jipp Juan Sánchez Julián Gutiérrez Justin Dillehay Justin Hardin Justin Holcomb Justin Lonas Justin McLendon Justin Whitmel Earley K. Alan Snyder Karen Hodge Karen Swallow Prior Katelyn Walls Shelton Kathleen Nielson Kathryn Butler Kathy Keller Katrine Vigilius Keith Mathison Keith Pavlischek Keith Plummer Keith Simon Kelly Keller Kelly M. Kapic Kelsey Hency Kelvin J. Washington Ken Keathley Kenneth Stewart Kevin Cawley Kevin DeYoung Kevin Halloran Kevin J. Vanhoozer Kevin McFadden Krish Kandiah Kristen Montgomery Kristen Narara Kristen Padilla Kristen Scharold Kristen Wetherell Kristie Anderson Kristin Kellen Kristin Tabb Kyle Claunch Kyle Strobel Lauren Hansen Leah Jolly Leland Ryken Leonardo De Chirico Ligon Duncan Lindsey Carlson Linley Wynne Lore Ferguson Wilbert Louis Markos Lucy S. R. Austen Luke Stamps Mack Stiles Madeline Arthington Malcolm Foley Maria Baer Marie Notcheva Mark D. Allen Mark Kalthoff Mark Lauterbach Mark Mellinger Mark Morris Mark Overstreet Mark Robinson Mark Rogers Mark Tooley Mark Tubbs Mark Ward Martha Peace Marty Machowski Marvin Olasky Mary Somerville Mathew B. Sims Matt Boga Matt Capps Matt Damico Matt Emerson Matt Manry Matt Martens Matt McCullough Matt Millsap Matt Pierce Matt Rogers Matt Smethurst Matt Stokes Matt Tully Matthew Arbo Matthew Barrett Matthew Bennett Matthew Crawford Matthew Harmon Matthew Hoskin Matthew Hoskinson Matthew J. Hall Matthew Jordan Matthew LaPine Matthew Lee Anderson Matthew Miller Matthew Pinson Matthew Rich Matthew Robbins Matthew Spandler-Davison Matthew Westerholm Matthieu Richelle Megan Dickerson Megan Hill Melissa Kruger Mez McConnell Micah Meek Micah Watson Michael Allen Michael Dewalt Michael Graham Michael Haykin Michael Horton Michael J. Kruger Michael McAfee Michael McClymond Michael Niebauer Michael Philliber Michael Thate Michael Wear Michele Morin Mika Edmondson Mike Cosper Mike McKinley Mike Pohlman Miles Smith IV Mindy Belz Mischa Willett Mitch Chase Mitch Stokes Moses Y. Lee N. D. Wilson N. Gray Sutanto Nadya Williams Nancy Guthrie Naomi Reese Nate Brooks Nate Claiborne Nate Collins Nate Shannon Nathan A. Finn Nathan Lugbill Nathan Reed Nathan Sundt Nicholas G. Piotrowski Nicholas J. Weyrens Nick Harsh Nick Roark Nicole Lantz Nicole Whitacre Nikki Daniel Noah Senthil Oren Martin Os Guinness Owen Strachan Patrick J. O’Banion Patrick Miller Patrick Schreiner Paul Barnett Paul Copan Paul D. Miller Paul E. Miller Paul Gould Paul House Paul Martin Paul Matzko Paul Putz Paul Tripp Peter Beck Peter Gurry Peter Leithart Peter Lewis Peter Sanlon Phil A. 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