Encouragement for Pilgrims from the Book of Exodus

September 25-27, 2023 • Indianapolis, IN

Keynote Speakers

John Piper
God’s Mediator for the Wilderness (Exodus 3)

John Piper

John Piper serves as founder and lead teacher at Desiring God and is chancellor of Bethlehem College & Seminary. For 33 years, Piper served as pastor of Bethlehem Baptist Church. He has authored more than 50 books, and more than 30 years of his preaching and writing are available free of charge at desiringGod.org. Piper resides in the Minneapolis area with Noël, his wife of 53 years, and they have five children and 14 grandchildren.

Keynote 1 — God’s Mediator for the Wilderness (Exodus 3)

Round 3 — How Every Local Church Can (and Must) Fuel Global Mission (Radical)

H.B. Charles, Jr.
God’s Sacrifice in the Wilderness (Exodus 12)

H.B. Charles, Jr.

H.B. Charles, Jr. is the Pastor and Teacher at the Shiloh Metropolitan Baptist Church of Jacksonville and Orange Park, Florida, where he has served since 2008. Outside of his ministry with his congregation, he regularly speaks and teaches around the country. He is the author of several books including On Preaching. Pastor Charles and his wife, Crystal, have 3 children: H.B. III, Natalie, and Hailey.

Keynote 2 — God’s Sacrifice in the Wilderness (Exodus 12)

Ken Mbugua
God’s Rescue through the Wilderness (Exodus 14)

Ken Mbugua

Kenneth Mbugua is the senior pastor of Emmanuel Baptist Church in Nairobi, Kenya and is a Council Member of The Gospel Coalition Africa. He is the Managing Director of Ekklesia Africa which promotes biblical resources for building healthy churches. Kenneth is married to Arlette and they have three children.

Keynote 3 — God’s Rescue through the Wilderness (Exodus 14)

Round 3 — How Every Local Church Can (and Must) Fuel Global Mission (Radical)

Miguel Núñez
God’s Provision in the Wilderness (Exodus 16)

Miguel Núñez

Miguel Núñez is vice president of the Coalition for the Gospel. He is the preaching and visioning pastor of the International Baptist Church, and president of Integrity and Wisdom Ministries. Dr. Núñez and his ministry are responsible for his Por Su Causa conferences, which seek to attract Latin Americans to the truths of historic Christianity. You can find him on Twitter.

Keynote 4 — God’s Provision in the Wilderness (Exodus 16)

J. D. Greear
God’s Instruction in the Wilderness (Exodus 19-20)

J. D. Greear

J. D. Greear is pastor of The Summit Church in Raleigh-Durham, North Carolina. The Summit Church has been ranked by Outreach Magazine as one of the fastest-growing churches in the United States. J.D. has a PhD in systematic theology from Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary. He is the author of several books including Essential Christianity: The Heart of the Gospel in Ten Words and Just Ask: The Joy of Confident, Bold, Patient, Relentless, Shameless, Dependent, Grateful, Powerful, Expectant Prayer. He lives in Raleigh, North Carolina, with his wife, Veronica, and their four children.

Round 3 — How Every Local Church Can (and Must) Fuel Global Mission (Radical)

Keynote 5 — God’s Instruction in the Wilderness (Exodus 19-20)

Round 5 — The Pastor's Voice: The Art and Science of Preaching as a Shepherd (The Gospel Coalition)

Ligon Duncan
God’s Covenant Confirmed in the Wilderness (Exodus 24)

Ligon Duncan

Ligon Duncan (MDiv, Covenant Theological Seminary; PhD, University of Edinburgh) is Chancellor and CEO of Reformed Theological Seminary, chairman of the Council on Biblical Manhood and Womanhood, and a Council Member for The Gospel Coalition. He has authored, coauthored, edited, or contributed to numerous books, including Does Grace Grow Best in Winter? He and his wife, Anne, have two children.

Round 1 — Hope, in Confusing Times and Suffering (Reformed Theological Seminary)

Round 2 — Hope (and Help!), for Women’s Ministry (Reformed Theological Seminary)

Keynote 6 — God’s Covenant Confirmed in the Wilderness (Exodus 24)

Andrew Wilson
God’s Judgment and Hope in the Wilderness (Exodus 32)

Andrew Wilson

Andrew Wilson is the teaching pastor at King’s Church, London. He’s the author of God of All Things: Rediscovering the Sacred in an Everyday World (Zondervan, 2021). Follow him on Twitter (@AJWTheology).

Keynote 7 — God’s Judgment and Hope in the Wilderness (Exodus 32)

Round 5 — 1776: The Origin Story of the Post-Christian West (Crossway)

David Platt
God’s Presence in the Wilderness (Exodus 40)

David Platt

David Platt (ThM, PhD, New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary) is the pastor-teacher of McLean Bible Church, founder of Radical, and a Council Member of The Gospel Coalition. He has written several books, including Something Needs to Change and Radical. David and his wife, Heather, have four children.

Round 3 — How Every Local Church Can (and Must) Fuel Global Mission (Radical)

Keynote 8 — God’s Presence in the Wilderness (Exodus 40)

As they grew in number in a foreign land, the people of Israel fell under the oppression of a ruler who forgot the old ways and rejected God. But from generation to generation God never forgot his chosen people. He tells them, “I will take you to be my people, and I will be your God” (Ex. 6:7a). Though these exiles doubted and dithered, God delivered them from Egypt and from the wilderness. Prone to wander, the people of God found a home in the land flowing with milk and honey, a land where God would make them a “kingdom of priests and a holy nation” (Exo 19:6) so that they would “proclaim the excellencies of him who called you out of darkness into his marvelous light” (1 Pet 2:9). Through his people, God’s glory would extend to all the world with the good news of hope.

At TGC23 we’ll celebrate this gospel hope in the wilderness of our passing age. As pilgrims waiting for Christ’s return, we’ll remember the old, old story and retell it for the next generation. Speakers from around the world will show how Exodus anticipates Jesus as our mediator, our rescuer, our guide, our provider. They will lead us to worship God for his instruction, his covenant, his mercy, and his presence. Together we will remember the gospel hope for all of life, for all the world.

In every generation, in any nation, in any situation, the gospel is our never-failing hope.

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Indiana Convention Center


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  • Access to keynote sessions, including preaching from Exodus and worship music by CityAlight
  • Access to the pre-conference
  • Access to Microevents hosted by long-standing and trusted partnering organizations
  • A free book each day of the conference
  • Access to attend a variety of Auxiliary Events hosted by various organizations
  • Access to our exhibit hall and TGC’s discounted conference bookstore