
Melissa Kruger

Melissa Kruger
Melissa Kruger serves as vice president of discipleship programming at The Gospel Coalition. She is the author of The Envy of Eve: Finding Contentment in a Covetous World, Walking with God in the Season of Motherhood, In All Things: A Nine-Week Devotional Bible Study on Unshakeable Joy, Growing Together: Taking Mentoring Beyond Small Talk and Prayer Requests, Wherever You Go, I Want You to Know, His Grace Is Enough, Lucy and the Saturday Surprise, Parenting with Hope: Raising Teens for Christ in a Secular Age, and Ephesians: A Study of Faith and Practice. Her husband, Mike, is the president of Reformed Theological Seminary, and they have three children. She writes at Wits End, hosted by The Gospel Coalition. You can follow her on Instagram, Facebook, or Twitter.
Round 2 — The Bonds of Friendship: Why Ministry Partners Are Better than Instagram Friends
Keynote 1 — I AM the Bread of Life
Conferencia 1 — YO SOY el Pan de Vida
Round 4 — The Wisdom of Wrinkles: Aging in a Culture Obsessed with Youth
Round 5 — Risen Motherhood Live: Parenting with Hope—Raising Teens in a Secular Age

Jen Wilkin

Jen Wilkin
Jen Wilkin is an author and Bible teacher from Dallas, Texas. She has organized and led studies for women in home, church, and parachurch contexts. An advocate for Bible literacy, her passion is to see others become articulate and committed followers of Christ, with a clear understanding of why they believe what they believe, grounded in the Word of God. You can find her at JenWilkin.net.
Round 3 — Journeywomen Live: Why We Should Study Revelation, with Jen Wilkin
Keynote 2 — I AM the Light of the World
Conferencia 2 — YO SOY la Luz del Mundo
Round 4 — The Wisdom of Wrinkles: Aging in a Culture Obsessed with Youth

Vanessa Hawkins

Vanessa Hawkins
Vanessa K. Hawkins (MDiv, DMin) is the director of community life at Redeemer Lincoln Square in New York City. She is a Bible teacher, a conference speaker, and author of the forthcoming Justice and the Heart of God, a Bible study on the book of Amos. She serves as a fellow for The Keller Center for Cultural Apologetics. Vanessa is married to Marcus, and they have three daughters. You can follow her on Instagram.
Round 2 — Building Cross-Cultural Competence Through Holistic Discipleship
Keynote 3 — I AM the Door
Conferencia 3 — YO SOY la Puerta
Round 4 — The Wisdom of Wrinkles: Aging in a Culture Obsessed with Youth

Courtney Doctor

Courtney Doctor
Courtney Doctor (MDiv, Covenant Theological Seminary) serves as director of women’s initiatives for The Gospel Coalition. She’s a Bible teacher and author of From Garden to Glory: How Understanding God’s Story Changes Yours as well as several Bible studies including In View of God’s Mercies and Behold and Believe. Courtney and her husband, Craig, have four children, three children-in-law, and five beautiful grandchildren. You can follow her on Instagram or find out more at courtneydoctor.org.
Round 2 — The Bonds of Friendship: Why Ministry Partners Are Better than Instagram Friends
Keynote 4 — I AM the Good Shepherd
Conferencia 4 — YO SOY el Buen Pastor
Round 4 — The Wisdom of Wrinkles: Aging in a Culture Obsessed with Youth

Nancy Guthrie

Nancy Guthrie
Nancy Guthrie (MATS, Reformed Theological Seminary) teaches the Bible at her home church, Cornerstone Presbyterian Church, in Franklin, Tennessee, as well as at conferences around the country and internationally, including through her Biblical Theology Workshop for Women. She is the author of numerous books and the host of the Help Me Teach the Bible podcast from The Gospel Coalition. She and her husband founded Respite Retreats for couples who have faced the death of a child, and they’re cohosts of the GriefShare video series.
Round 1 — Wind and Fire: How the Whole Bible Leads Us to Long for the Power of the Holy Spirit
Keynote 5 — I AM the Resurrection and the Life
Conferencia 5 — YO SOY la Resurrección y la Vida

Ruth Chou Simons

Ruth Chou Simons
Ruth Chou Simons is a best-selling and award-winning author of several books and Bible studies. She is an artist, entrepreneur, podcaster, and speaker, using each platform to spiritually sow the Word of God into people’s hearts. Through social media, her online shoppe, and the GraceLaced Collective community, Simons shares her journey of God’s grace intersecting daily life with word and art. Ruth and her husband, Troy, are parents to six boys.
Round 2 — The Bonds of Friendship: Why Ministry Partners Are Better than Instagram Friends
Round 3 — Loving the Church When You’ve Been Hurt
Keynote 6 — I AM the Way, Truth, and Life
Conferencia 6 — YO SOY el Camino, la Verdad y la Vida

David Platt

David Platt
David Platt (PhD, New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary) serves as a pastor in metro Washington, DC. He is the founder of Radical, a ministry that exists to equip Christians to be on mission. He’s a Council member of The Gospel Coalition. David is the author of many books, including Radical, Counter Culture, Don’t Hold Back, and several volumes in the Christ-Centered Exposition Commentary series. Along with his wife and children, he lives in metro DC.
Keynote 7 — I AM the True Vine
Conferencia — YO SOY la Vid verdadera
12:30 pm — Breakouts: Round 1
1:45 pm — Breakouts: Round 2
3:00 pm — Breakouts: Round 3
4:30 pm — Keynote 1: I AM the Bread of Life
6:00 pm — Dinner Break
8:15 pm — Keynote 2: I AM the Light of the World
9:00 am — Keynote 3: I AM the Door
11:00 am — Keynote 4: I AM the Good Shepherd
12:15 pm — Lunch Break
2:45 pm — Breakouts: Round 4
4:00 pm — Breakouts: Round 5
4:45 pm — Dinner Break
7:15 pm — Keynote 5: I AM the Resurrection and the Life
9:00 am — Keynote 6: I AM the Way, Truth, and Life
11:00 am — Keynote 7: I AM the True Vine
12:00 pm — Conference Ends

At The Gospel Coalition 2024 Women’s Conference we will look at the seven I AM statements in John’s Gospel to see who Jesus says he is.
Our hope is that all who attend will be encouraged by the Word, equipped for life and ministry, and engaged in worship and fellowship with women from all over the world.

Featuring music from
Shane & Shane

the Bread of Life
the Light of the World
the Door
the Good Shepherd
the Resurrection and the Life
the Way, the Truth, and the Life
the True Vine
Frequently Asked Questions
We are working with a number of hotels near the Indiana Convention Center to provide special conference pricing for attendees. Please click here to see the room options, prices, distance, and amenities. Hotel rooms tend to fill quickly, so we encourage you to book your room soon.
- Access to seven keynote sessions, including teaching on Jesus’ I AM statements from the Gospel of John
- Access to almost fifty breakout sessions (and newly added) workshops!
- Access to attend a variety of Auxiliary Events hosted by various organizations
- Access to our exhibit hall and TGC’s discounted conference bookstore
Yes! If you will have a group of 10+ attendees, please email [email protected] to receive a discount code for your group.