
an international journal for students of theological and religious studies

  • VOLUME 47
  • ISSUE 2
  • August 2022
  • VOLUME 47
  • ISSUE 2
  • VOLUME 47
  • ISSUE 2

Featured Articles

Paul’s instruction in Romans 13:1–7 can be applied to Christian voting behavior in the West...

This article argues that the first 3 words of the Gospel of Mark: ἀρχὴ τοῦ εὐαγγελίου [“the beginning of the Gospel”] are best understood as the title of the book...


This article examines Christopher Nolan’s three most recent films, Interstellar (2014), Dunkirk (2017), and Tenet (2020), through the lens of Christianity’s preeminent theological virtues: love, hope, and faith, respectively...

Syncretism—the blending of two or more religious paradigms—threatens Christian witness around the world...

Mark 2:26 has presented itself as a difficult textual and historical problem for interpreters...

Paul’s instruction in Romans 13:1–7 can be applied to Christian voting behavior in the West...

This article is a response to Robert Golding’s recent essay, “Making Sense of Hell,” in which he contends for the logic of eternal punishment on the basis of a progressive and asymptotic conception of sin and sinners in hell...

There is a widespread belief that Paul understood his Gentile mission as the brief final chapter of salvation-history, preceding—or even triggering—the imminent return of Jesus...

This article examines John Calvin’s theology of pastoral suffering, an overlooked but relevant aspect of his theology for pastors struggling with the trials and difficulties of ministry...

This article argues that the first 3 words of the Gospel of Mark: ἀρχὴ τοῦ εὐαγγελίου [“the beginning of the Gospel”] are best understood as the title of the book...

After presenting the phenomenon of gender dysphoria as a state of consciousness experienced by the individual, I explore how the two major anthropological frameworks of materialism and substance dualism account for the conscious state of gender dysphoria...

This article delineates various biblical principles that circumscribe the church’s relationship to the state...

Book Reviews