Don’t Muzzle the Ox is subtitled ‘Full-time Ministry in Local Churches’. However, it is not a book of practice. Therefore it reads much more like a ‘how to’ manual, covering a wide range of practical issues related to the appointment of full-time workers. It is published for Partnership and is the result of consultation held in July 1995.
The main focus of the papers is the appointment and function of full-time workers, particularly in the context of local churches with Brethren origins. The papers are aimed at both the congregation and prospective workers.
After an initial opening chapter ‘Principles and Practice’ the contributors consider a range of issues including: ‘Selection and Appointment’, ‘Working Relationships’, ‘Roles and Priorities’, ‘Maintaining the Spiritual Glow’, ‘Family Pressures’, ‘Keeping on Top of the Job’ and ‘Other Workers’. The volume concludes with appendices that contain a specimen application form and a specimen reference form.
The Brethren origins of the material are fairly obvious throughout the work. Although the material would probably be best suited to that particular scene, people from other churches will be able to appreciate and learn from the issues that are discussed. This would be a good resource for people who are thinking about full-time pastoral work or for people who are involved in making appointments of this sort in a church.
Steven Singleton
Thurles, Co. Tipperary