Old Testament Commentary Survey
Written by Tremper Longman III Reviewed By Craig BlombergWith the rapid proliferation of new commentary series, surveys of this nature, when done well, prove invaluable. Longman’s is done very well. An introductory chapter surveys OT reference tools in a variety of categories; the bulk of the volume is a book-by-book analysis of the best commentaries of various purposes, levels and theological traditions. Longman, recommends good evangelical work where it is available; where it is not, he does not hesitate to point students to the best of more critical scholarship. The book concludes with three helpful appendices: ‘An OT Library on Budget’, ‘The Ideal OT Reference Library’ and ‘Five-Star Commentaries’—Longman’s ‘Top 14’. Among them appear G. Wenham, B. Childs, R. Hubbard, H. Williamson, D. Clines and J. Goldingay.
Craig Blomberg
Craig Blomberg
Denver Seminary
Denver, Colorado, USA