The Variety of American Evangelicalism
Written by Donald W. Dayton and Robert K. Johnston (eds.) Reviewed By Craig BlombergDespite being horribly overpriced, this volume is one of the most important studies of American evangelicalism in recent years. Contributors from different theological traditions survey their own movements and assess to what extent the term ‘evangelical’ is an appropriate description of what they represent. Fundamentalists, Pentecostals, Adventists, Wesleyans, Restorationists, Blacks, Baptists, Lutherans, Mennonites and the Reformed all get a turn. The two editors themselves contribute articles, disagreeing over whether there are substantial enough similarities to make the term ‘evangelical’ meaningful as a cross-denominational label. Tim Weber helpfully suggests four subdivisions of evangelicals—classical, pietistic, fundamentalist and progressive. The same questions ought to be asked of the different branches of Christianity worldwide.
Craig Blomberg
Craig Blomberg
Denver Seminary
Denver, Colorado, USA