
Order of Service


Opening – The Reverend Michael Keller



Hymn: Immortal, Invisible, God Only Wise

Hymn: Amazing Love, How Can It Be?

Scripture: John 14, Read by Kimberly Hunt

Scripture: 1 Corinthians 15, Read by The Reverend Jeff White

Readings: The Weight of Glory and Mere Christianity, Read by Max McLean

Hymn: How Firm a Foundation

Scripture: 2 Corinthians 4, Read by Angela Adour

Scripture: Romans 8, Read by The Reverend David Bisgrove

Remembrances of Tim Keller by Graham Howell, Glen Kleinknecht, and Kathy Keller

Hymn: Jesus Lives and So Shall I

Scripture: Mark 10:35-45, Read by Max McLean

Homily – The Reverend Sam Allberry

Hymn: For All the Saints, Who from Their Labor Rest

Closing Sentences

Closing Prayer


Hymn: There Is a Redeemer
