Assurance of Salvation
Assurance of salvation is a God-given confidence for every true believer in Christ of their present approval and future acceptance by their Father.
The Bible consistently testifies to the assurance of salvation for all those in Christ and grounds that certainty first, in the objective promises of God and second, in the subjective work of the Spirit in both direct testimony and the indirect testimony of the fruit of conversion. This assurance does not deny the role of warnings and the existence of doubt.
Jesus Is Always Bigger Than Your Faith
It’s not the strength of your faith that finally matters, but the object of your faith.
Don’t Trust in Your Christianity
I was a Bible-school graduate, aspiring missionary, and committed evangelist. I was also a non-Christian.
When Self-Confidence Is Lethal
Our assurance that we belong in God’s presence is not self-confidence. It’s Christ-confidence.
Jesus Is Always Bigger Than Your Faith
It’s not the strength of your faith that finally matters, but the object of your faith.
How to Survive the Scariest Passage in the Bible
Two ways to maintain—even build!—assurance in the face of Jesus’s scariest warning.
What If You Don’t Know Your Conversion Date?
I’m glad I can remember my conversion date. But there can be a downside in being able to look to a specific point in time.
The Relationship between Warnings and Assurance: Don’t Fumble It
Many Reformed pastors feel anxious about preaching admonitions, because we’re worried it will sound like we don’t believe in grace, or security, or both.
A New Book to Help Saints Find Assurance
Your Savior always keeps his promises, and he won’t break his streak with you.
Am I Really a Christian?
With the Spirit’s blessing, this book will help nominal Christians take a deep and honest look at their lives.
How Jesus Cares for Bruised Reeds
If you struggle with sin, faith, and assurance, perhaps this dead Puritan can help.
Finally Alive
To be born again is more than to offer assent to the truths of the gospel.