England’s Assisted Suicide Bill and the Disordered Western Soul
The distressing news from Westminster opens the clearest window into the disordered Western soul and the devaluation of human dignity.
The distressing news from Westminster opens the clearest window into the disordered Western soul and the devaluation of human dignity.
Humans have always been tempted to ‘play God’ by assuming for ourselves what is the Creator’s prerogative. New technologies exacerbate this temptation.
Much of the technology around artificial reproduction was devised to circumvent nature rather than to restore it.
The gospel offers us deep, durable meaning—powerful enough to sustain us through life and through suffering and dying. Our story becomes part of God’s grand story, the story behind all stories.
When families walk alongside a loved one in hospice, they show him or her, as well as surrounding caregivers, the face of Christ.