Personality Clash: John Owen and Richard Baxter in Conflict
‘When Christians Disagree’ is a fascinating case study of the personal and theological factors that can fuel division within the church.
‘When Christians Disagree’ is a fascinating case study of the personal and theological factors that can fuel division within the church.
Sarah Irving-Stonebraker shares about what’s on her bedside table, her favorite fiction, the books she regularly revisits, and more.
‘Night Flyer’ will likely deepen a reader’s appreciation of Harriet Tubman’s legacy, but unfortunately it also has the potential to confuse readers about the nature of her faith by introducing ideas she wouldn’t have recognized.
‘The Bible’ is a feat of good storytelling. From Bruce Gordon’s sprawling, fascinating history, we conclude that the Bible isn’t just a global book but a living and active one too.
‘When the Clock Broke’ is somewhat helpful because it explains why the shared story crumbled and points us toward our opportunity to offer the gospel as a superior cultural narrative.