General Theology
Christian theology is an outline of the truth revealed by God in Holy Scripture, which points us to the Persons and work of the Godhead.
Christian theology is not human speculation about the supernatural (as ancient Greek mythology was), but is the product of Christians needing to explain how God can be three Persons in one and how the second of these Persons could become a man without ceasing to be God. As such, Christian theology is primarily about God, but the word commonly includes the study of all truth revealed in Scripture. While humans are able to know some things about God through contemplating his works in creation, unaided by any special divine revelation, it is necessary for God to have revealed himself personally to us as the triune God of our redemption. We know this God today through his scriptural revelation, which is the only reliable and detailed source for our knowledge of God. Christian theology is therefore best understood as an outline of the truth revealed in Scripture that points us to the Persons and work of God.
Bridging the Divide Between Academic Theology and Local Church Practice
In this video, Michael Horton and Fred Sanders share ways they’ve attempted to bridge the gap between the church and the academy.
Why Youth Ministers Need to Be Theologians
The world bears down with ferocity on the fledging faith of Christian youth. So why should we expect any less theological rigor from our pastors who serve them?
How Romans 8 Made Me a Calvinist
God hasn’t left the composition of Christ’s family in the hands of fickle human beings. He does more than just influence. He predestines.
Let’s Retrieve Good Theology—and Not Start with Luther
Evangelicals need historical theology, and we neglect it to our peril.
What Does It Mean to Worship God in Spirit and Truth?
Any affection or feeling or emotion stirred up by error or false doctrine is worthless.
Why (and How) to Preach Christ’s Descent to the Dead
Matt Emerson on the pastoral implications of Christ’s descent to the dead—and how to preach it.
Ministry Is Being a Priest to God and One Another
Ed Welch has given us a reliable treatment on the priesthood of believers. It will help every Christian grow.
My Top 10 Theology Stories of 2019
TGC editorial director Collin Hansen compiles his annual list of the top theology stories that defined evangelical life, thought, and mission in 2019.
What to Do with the Bible’s Purity Laws
We moderns are not above purity laws. We have plenty.
Is It OK to Confess That Jesus Descended into Hell?
Christ’s descent pushes us to recognize that Jesus doesn’t simply know what it’s like to die. He knows what it’s like to be dead.