
Speak to Persuade, Not Only to Rally

Tim Keller, Russell Moore, and Collin Hansen on Maintaining Biblical Balance

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When every new issue seems to drive God’s people further and further apart, the need for Christian leaders who foster united evangelical action is urgent. Not all possess this kind of irenic voice, however. Many thrive at rallying their own troops but struggle to cross camps and speak to those who disagree with them.

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In this new roundtable video, The Gospel Coalition editorial director Collin Hansen sits down with two leaders who excel at engaging those who don’t already agree with them—Russell Moore, president of the Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission of the Southern Baptist Convention, and Tim Keller, senior pastor of Redeemer Presbyterian Church in Manhattan. Together they consider speaking the truth with courage and compassion, how to keep from pandering to one camp and clobbering the other, discerning blind spots, the art of persuasion, and more.

Far too often we let divisions and disagreements keep us from testifying to the power of God’s grace with one voice. Let this video teach you how to engage others with courage and compassion as you aim for unity in the example of Jesus Christ. After you watch, consider digging into Hansen’s recent book Blind Spots (Crossway, 2015) [Keller’s foreword | review]. In it he outlines a vision for a new generation of Christians eager to cultivate a courageous, compassionate, and commissioned church.
