
Young Pastor, Here’s What I Wish I’d Known

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What do you wish someone had told you when you were first entering the ministry?

“I wish I’d known how easily Satan’s attacks could bring me to a state of discouragement,” reflects Andy Davis, pastor of First Baptist Church in Durham, North Carolina, in a new roundtable video with David Helm and J. D. Greear. “I’ve since learned how much he’ll use my sins, others’ sins, and unmet expectations to get me down and out of the game.”

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“The longevity of faithful service is the way God prepares us to do the work,” observes Helm, lead pastor of the Hyde Park congregation of Holy Trinity Church in Chicago. “There are no shortcuts. Give your heart to Christ’s people. Pastoring is a people work.” Moreover, adds Greear, pastor of The Summit Church in North Carolina, “I wish I’d anticipated how much pulpit ministry would exacerbate certain idols like the approval of man.”

Watch the full six-minute video to hear these seasoned pastors discuss wilderness battles, the lesson of Hezekiah, changing the world, and more. Then, join the conversation and share what you wish someone had told you when you were starting out.
