
In October 2011 the contributors to the book Only One Way? Three Christian Responses to the Uniqueness of Christ in a Religiously Plural World gave a one-day conference with presentations on their positions regarding the relationship of Christianity to other religions: Daniel Strange (reformed evangelical; Oak Hill College); Gavin D’Costa (conservative Catholic; Bristol University); Paul Knitter (pluralist; Union Theological Seminary, New York).

You can find all of the talks here, or stream Professor Strange’s lecture below. At the end of the post is an outline of his 30-minute address:

Only One Way? Dan Strange by Oak Hill College

A ‘Subversive Fulfillment’ Interpretation of Other Religions

From the presupposition of the triune God who speaks authoritatively through his inspired Word, non-Christian religions are an idolatrous refashioning of divine revelation, which are antithetical and yet parasitic on Christian truth, and of which the gospel of Jesus Christ is their subversive fulfillment.

  • Defending the indefensible?
  • We’re all exclusivists you know . . .

1. Method: The Elephant Speaks

  • revelation
  • transcendent foundationalism
  • sola Scriptura

2. God: YHWH’s ‘Transcendent Uniqueness’

  • the Triune God as personal absolute and absolute personality

3. Creation and Fall: the ‘Perilous Exchange’

  • Principial discontinuity
  • Practical continuity

4. Jesus Christ: The ‘Subversive Fulfillment’ of the Religious Other

  • Jesus as subversion
  • Jesus as fulfillment

5. Mission: Proclaiming the Preeminent Christ
