I am excited that the Journal of Biblical Counseling—after a four-year hiatus—is now back, this time online and for free.
If you are not familiar with this resource, now would be a good time to become acquainted with it. It’s under the direction of David Powlision, about whom John Piper has written:
Among living authors who think deeply about the Word of God and the workings of the human soul, I know of no one who writes more perceptively or ministers more deeply to me than David Powlison. . . . There are many today who specialize in soul-care or deep, faithful grasp of biblical theology; but there are few who do both. David Powlison does both.
You can read more about the new JBC in this editorial by Powlison.
Here’s just one example of one of their articles: if you are a pastor, I think this is the best thing I’ve ever read on the pastor as counselor.